Thursday, January 4, 2007

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Rat (for Male)

RAT (for Male)

For those born in the following years :

1948, 1960, 1972, 1984 and 1996


The Rat male is a hustler. You thrive upon your high-pressure, high-visibility job and use it to score further opportunities for personal enrichment. You have an eye for the finer things in life, and will attempt to impress newfound acquaintances with your savoir-faire and the size of your bankroll. You enjoy gambling, but are essentially cautious and will not go so far as to jeopardize that nest egg you're salting away for your golden years.

You have a wide range of contacts, mostly in the business world, but very few true friends that you can count on when the chips are down. You have an ear for gossip and enjoy nothing better than a nice juicy rumor, especially when you can use it to your own advantage. You can be very sentimental at times, primarily with regard to your family.

In Relationships

One of the Rat's greatest assets is their charm. Rats can melt hearts with their smiles. Add that to their coquettish personalities and you can easily see how they conquer the hearts of others. And, since Rats love to go out, they have plenty of chances to meet potential suitors or future partners. The problem for a Rat is not in finding a lover, but instead limiting themselves to the right one!

An annoying quirk of some Rats is they have a difficult time severing ties with former lovers. Obviously, this can pose potential conflicts for the Rat and their new lover and can even endanger their ability to develop new relationships. When the Rat finally settles down with Mr. or Ms. Right, they will find a sincere satisfaction in the intimacy of the partnership.

Likes and Dislikes

The Rat person's favorite color is blue, and their corresponding gemstones are diamond, amethyst and garnet. They enjoy car accessories, art books, gym memberships and maps and atlases of all kinds. They enjoy playing basketball and billiards in their spare time, as well as painting, any sort of handicraft, and interior decorating and remodeling.

Rats are very impulsive and cannot stand delayed gratification, so they just can't live without their fascination of the moment. They dislike routines and indeed any sort of responsibility not self-inflicted. Rats cannot stand being passed over for those deemed more important than they are -- they think that they are the important ones, and deserve to be treated as such wherever they go!

Compatibility with gals of different signs

1. Male Rat & Female Rat

When the male Rat and the female Rat encounter each other, it appears to be the perfect match at first. Both partners are equally intense about their expressions of passionate physicality, such that they curl up in their mutual cocoon of love and wall the rest of the world out. The shared privacy of this couple centers upon a quirky sense of humor that is like a secret code with which they communicate.

The only things to watch out for are the toils of familiarity -- after a while the similarities between these two Rats will cause the relationship to pall. Complaints rise in tandem, and it won't be long until both decide to call it a day romance-wise. Some attention to detail could possibly prevent this breakup, but neither will wish to make the effort.

2. Male Rat & Female Ox

The male Rat and the female Ox can easily appreciate each other's preference for privacy. The Ox tends to be the organizer of the day-to-day existence of the couple, while the Rat will be responsible for the far horizons and long-term plans. They keep each other in ship-shape condition with sensible advice.

A great deal of mutual respect can build between the male Rat and the female Ox, as both can be serious and hardworking individuals when the chips are down. The Rat can be a bit more outgoing, which will irk the Ox partner and make her jealous from time to time, but in the end these little spats will only serve to liven and thereby cement what promises to be a beautiful union. These two play for keeps.

3. Male Rat & Female Tiger

The male Rat is fond of change, but not perhaps to the extent that the female Tiger will be willing to provide it. Both of these Signs are bored with any sort of humdrum routine, but the Tiger will seek methods of entertainment that may make the more conservative and cautious Rat feel abandoned -- and not in a good way, either.

The Tiger may be fooling about with a situation that the Rat regards as altogether more serious, and when both are apprised of each other's motives for their pairing, an immediate falling-out may be the result. It is important for these two would-be lovers to keep the lines of communication open. If they can understand each other at the outset, these two might just decide to simply enjoy their single night of bliss.

4. Male Rat & Female Rabbit

Female Rabbits are peace-loving entities, and the energy of the male Rate in pursuit of his narrow goals may upset his intended's sense of interpersonal harmony. Rabbits that can't jump to the Rat's tune may find themselves in for the sort of vicious tongue-lashing that they really don't bear up well underneath.

The male Rat may wish to keep the couple together under his absolute authority, but the female Rabbit may be unsettled by the intensity of his pursuit and refuse the engagement. The Rat pursues and the Rabbit retreats, until both are convinced that they are wasting each other's time with a relationship that never was. This pairing is probably not the best idea that either of these two mismatched personalities ever had.

5. Male Rat & Female Dragon

The female Dragon has what it takes to charm and vamp the male Rat. These two Signs have a synchronous effect on each other's energy output, and make a very vibrant couple when they hit the town of a weekend night. The Rat serves as the power behind the Dragon's radiant throne, as she shimmers in the spotlight of the crowd's affection.

As long as the Rat is comfortable with his mate's social popularity, he's all set -- these two are graven in stone. But should the green-eyed monster step in and interfere with their mutual ego-tripping, these two could find each other going their own volatile ways separately. Recriminations will be few, however, and perhaps they might get back together again -- neither has much of a heart to break when it comes to the other.

6. Male Rat & Female Snake

The male Rat and the female Snake have a mysterious rapport that is more like telepathy than anything else -- they seem to understand each other's wishes, wants and desires at an instinctive level. Soul mates? Perhaps -- assuming the Rat will cut the Snake some slack, as the Rat's drive towards his goals may leave the Snake gasping in the dust for a breather along the way.

They are better in situations of repose, where each can play off of the whimsicalities of the other in conversation. Both of these Signs want to commit in the long run, but the Snake may take a bit longer to make up her mind about the finality of it all. Assuming the Rat can wait that long, these two should settle down to make a very cute domesticated pair.

7. Male Rat & Female Horse

Rats and Horses both have strong emotions, and the male and the female of each species may initially find themselves swept into the clutches of a whirlwind of passion. For the longest time they will be oblivious in each other's firm embrace, but after a while the Rat may become wary of losing his identity in the shuffle and may begin to draw back a bit from such a total association.

This will send the Horse into a spiral of anxious rage, which will cause the Rat to withdraw further, and so on and so on, until the relationship is on the rocks. It will take a great deal of patience (and perhaps a degree of maturity that the female Horse does not possess) for these two to make things work. The bets are far from certain, and should not be placed.

8. Male Rat & Female Goat

The female Goat would rather slacken the pace a notch or two than be forever careening madly in the wake of the male Rat. These two are both incurably romantic types, but they have widely divergent methods of expressing their strong feelings for each other, and may not be cognizant of what the other is trying to do for the relationship.

Active Rat boy sees what he wants and goes for it with determination and flair, while Goat girl likes to think over every move before she makes it, and if possible keep all of her exits clear in case of emergency. This diffidence may translate as a lack of affection to the Rat partner, and he may seek more demonstrative lovers elsewhere before too long. All in all, these two have very little in common and make a poor match.

9. Male Rat & Female Monkey

These two Signs get along together like gangbusters. Both the male Rat and female Monkey have very low thresholds for boredom, which means that they'll be constantly egging each other on into new situations with good action potential, thereby becoming playmates as well as lovers. Both are highly demonstrative, but the Rat may be more so and can unnerve his cohort with the power of his expression.

The foundation of this relationship is a species of friendly competition between these two as they jockey for a position of control. The female Monkey often comes out on top in this power struggle, but their mutual amicability allows the male Rat to pull some levers unobtrusively behind the curtain and thereby retain his self-respect.

10. Male Rat & Female Rooster

It will be difficult for these two people to stay together, unless they make it past the magic moment when they realize that what each perceived as a mental failing in the other is actually just a different way of looking at the world. The male Rat needs to be convinced that the female Rooster is more than a pretty face with boisterous mannerisms, and the female Rooster needs similar reassurances that the placid male Rat has inside of him untapped reservoirs of subtle passions.

At first the incipient relationship could founder on the rocks of uncertainty, but if these two Signs take the time to discover who they really are, they may be able to go the distance and commit to each other in the firmest of relationships.

11. Male Rat & Female Dog

Both the male Rat and the female Dog share a deep desire for privacy, often to the exclusion of each other's company. Neither party will mind the other's occasional demands for an increased amount of personal space within the context of this relationship, and that's what makes them such a good couple.

The savvy of the Rat will help ease the transition through life of his worrisome Dog companion -- he'll be able to answer all of her questions and concerns. The female Dog makes a good cheering section with which to bolster the Rat in times of fading spirit or intellectual sterility. Both of these Signs will return trust with trust in a reinforcing bond of mutual affection. The prospects look good for this dynamic duo.

12. Male Rat & Female Pig

The male Rat enjoys in the female Pig a depth of unequivocal support and admiration that he won't find in a mate of any other Sign in the Chinese Zodiac. The female Pig, in turn, will have found herself a shrewd and highly motivated self-starter who is just the sort of entrepreneur she can rely upon to satisfy her basic material needs in this life.

The two will enjoy the luxuries that their hard work allows them to afford. The cheery Pig will be able to help the Rat laugh all of his troubles away into the gray limbo of a healthy perspective. As long as the make Rat doesn't become too annoyed by his partner's perpetually trusting innocence, this relationship will be as long-lasting as the very stars themselves.

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