Friday, January 5, 2007

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Horse (for Female)

HORSE (For Female)

For those born in the following years :

1954, 1966, 1978, 1990 and 2002


The female Horse is very much the eternal rebel -- she will not tolerate authority of any sort, and prefers the lead to any subordinate role. You are elegant and well groomed, and have mastered the art of arriving "fashionably late" for any social function. Your delightful appearance fairly cries out for the maximum of positive attention.

You are completely self-absorbed, and should your partner try to intrude upon your problems with those of their own, the result will be one of those carefully stage-managed scenes that you thrive upon to inject variety into your life. Despite the need for a foil, you do appreciate the necessity for a fine and private place of your very own, where you can curl up and lick away any wounds that your heart has handed you recently.

In Relationships

Horse people in love are eternally young at heart. They sail through life on a whim, spontaneous and open-minded, always watching and waiting for the next big adventure to come along and fall into their laps. Horse persons are charming and affectionate, and full of vim and vigor when it comes to the more physical manifestations of love -- such as dancing.

They inspire all those around them with their imagination and vigor, their intellect and their wit. They make potential mates want to get to know them better, and thus hardly have problems securing Saturday night dates. It may be difficult for their current love interest to bring them to a more permanent affectionate arrangement, but it will lots of fun with the Horse while it lasts!

Likes and Dislikes

Horses are generally very active people who enjoy physical exercise. They bounce around from project to project, never finishing anything. The favorite color of the Horse person is orange, and their corresponding gemstones are turquoise and topaz. They like kites, compasses, cameras and other small mechanical devices. Their favorite pastimes include horseback riding (naturally!), going to the theater, music in all its many forms, and flying model airplanes.

Horses dislike being ignored by others, and will never forget a social snub. They also try to avoid being dependent on any other people in their life -- they like to be free if possible. They shy away from the apparent envy of others, as it is disconcerting for them. Horses can't abide being made to look foolish in the eyes of people whose personal opinions they respect.

Compatibility with guys of different signs

1. Female Horse & Male Rat

Rats and Horses both have strong emotions, and the male and the female of each species may initially find themselves swept into the clutches of a whirlwind of passion. For the longest time they will be oblivious in each other's firm embrace, but after a while the Rat may become wary of losing his identity in the shuffle and may begin to draw back a bit from such a total association.

This will send the Horse into a spiral of anxious rage, which will cause the Rat to withdraw further, and so on and so on, until the relationship is on the rocks. It will take a great deal of patience (and perhaps a degree of maturity that the female Horse does not possess) for these two to make things work. The bets are far from certain, and should not be placed.

2. Female Horse & Male Ox

The male Ox may often find himself left in the lurch by the female Horse's restless energy -- she will leap while he is still peering uncertainly ahead. This will irritate the Ox in time, but in the early stages of the affair he will be amazed and delighted by the versatility of his companion. The female Horse in her turn may be put off by the fact that her companion is so sedate and reasonable.

Many arguments will arise from this mismatched arrangement of temperaments. Eventually the understanding nature of the Ox will reach the breaking point -- probably around the same time the Horse's boredom level reaches critical mass. This couple is highly unlikely to remain together for any length of time, but the relationship could be a learning experience for both while it lasts.

3. Female Horse & Male Tiger

The male Tiger and the female Horse are equally interested in new experiences and diverting antics. They will tumble over each other in their excitement at sampling everything the world has to offer, urging each other on to new feats of novelty. This may make for grand fun, but is it enough to establish a relationship of the heart?

That depends upon the hearts involved, and neither the Tiger nor the Horse is very sentimental. If it isn't broke, don't fix it, true, but if either of these characters is looking for something a bit more fulfilling in their personal life, they'll break the fun deal and seek elsewhere for their heart's desire. It may be a question of maturity versus a question of commitment for both of these unrepentant hedonists.

4. Female Horse & Male Rabbit

The male Rabbit and the female Horse can get along quite well together. The female Horse is full of excitement and spontaneous passion, and the male Rabbit has his ego stroked and flattered by her vibrant displays of obvious affection -- not to mention his physical needs amply satisfied after hours.

The Rabbit needs this sort of attention in order to satisfy his security needs, and this reassurance is exactly what the rampant desires of the Horse deliver to him. The Rabbit stands in awe and envy of his partner's evident energy, while the Horse can rely on the Rabbit to always be there for her when times are tough. These two Signs support each other beautifully, in a match destined to go the distance.

5. Female Horse & Male Dragon

Both the male Dragon and the female Horse have a great degree of enthusiasm for life, and will combine their efforts in order to seize whatever new experiences may come their way with great gusto. Both enjoy exploration of all that this world has to offer, and as long as they share an interest in the entertainment of the moment, they should get along fine.

Excessive emotional demands will vie with a shared distaste for mundane chores as the first indication of trouble in paradise for these two. The male Dragon requires adoration that the female Horse is ill equipped to provide, and she may be forced to flee from a stifling imprisonment. This combination of Signs is better off in the short term than in the long term.

6. Female Horse & Male Snake

The female Horse can easily fall for the male Snake's charming intellect, and she will also be excited by his being a constant fount of new ideas. The male Snake in turn will not object to the Horse's many exploratory rambles about the earth's surface, as long as he doesn't feel like he is forced to tag along when he'd rather sit quietly at home with a good book.

The Snake can manipulate the relationship to suit himself, while encouraging the Horse in the false belief that she is in control of the situation. A sense of exasperation when faced with the Horse's near-constant vitality is only natural and can be safely suppressed, if the Snake wishes to keep things together. As long as the facade remains in place, this match will last as long as the Snake wishes it to do so.

7. Female Horse & Male Horse

The shared energy of the male and the female Horse in tandem will be enough to keep either of them from worrying about intangibles such as the future of their relationship -- they'll be too busy having fun. Their passion will overflow into all areas of their lives, from sex in the bedroom to work at the office, and both will be the better for their strong emotional outpouring.

They do need to learn to pay more attention to each other, however, as both are very self-centered and need to learn to recognize the importance of the other. Being Horses, both are fairly cheerful about life and not quick to take offense, so there is some built-in resilience in this combination. These two will create and sustain a fairly workable relationship.

8. Female Horse & Male Goat

The male Goat and the female Horse compliment each other by being that which the other lacks. The male Goat will feel secure with the female Horse, but the relationship will still manage to stay interesting enough to please the ever-dynamic Horse, as both of these Sins are unstable and irresponsible people who can't abide a regular routine.

The male Goat wanders in his mind, while the female Horse prefers her wanderings be executed in a more physical sense. As long as these two Signs can see that they are engaged in what are essentially the same pursuits via two different methods, they can use this similarity of temperament to cement what can prove to be a very long-lasting relationship.

9. Female Horse & Male Monkey

Any attempt at a relationship between these two wildly divergent Signs will end in unmitigated disaster. The female Horse will consider the male Monkey's celebrated intellectual powers too cold and calculating to feel reassured by his advice in any situation, while the male Monkey in turn will regard the female Horse's boundless enthusiasm as childishly naive, or, even worse, just plain stupid.

Mutual suspicions of mental inadequacy are common in any relationship, but in this case these two will just accurate enough in their assessments to realize that it wouldn't be worth the effort it would take for them to stay together. Antipathy will save these two from making a huge mistake with each other, and just in time, too.

10. Female Horse & Male Rooster

These two Signs can get along quite well together. The female Horse will initiate things, and the male Rooster will follow through and complete them. They are, however, both sensitive to the opinions of others while being completely tactless with each other within the relationship. This could result in bruised egos and problems between them, unless and until they learn the meaning of the word "mercy."

Since neither the male Rooster nor the female Horse are big on apologies, a casual offense could cause either one to flee from their troubled life together -- both Signs are big on avoidance tactics. If they decide to sit down and talk their problems out, they should be able to go the distance. It'll about communication for this match to succeed in the long run.

11. Female Horse & Male Dog

The divisive sarcasm of the male Dog will find a steadfast ally in the female Horse, who although she doesn't always understand the reasons for his pet peeves, will be more than happy to share them in order to establish a common ground for the relationship. As long as she can convince him that he enjoys her undivided attention at all times, this partnership should stand a good chance of going the distance.

The Horse should take good care to scotch her roving eye, and heaven help her if she ever strays from the path of true love, as the sharp mind of the Dog, fuelled by ample pessimism, will pierce through any secret she attempts to carry within herself. As long as trust is present, these two shall endure as a couple.

12. Female Horse & Male Pig

The male Pig finds the honest expression that he craves in the shoot-from-the-hip, take-no-prisoners female Horse, while she in turn is attracted to his inveterate cheerfulness, which dovetails nicely with her chosen lifestyle of glowing physical endeavor. Both of these Signs enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, and should have a grand time introducing each other to the array of tricks that they have learned elsewhere.

The Pig is content to let the Horse take center stage when it comes to their frequent social occasions. The selfishness of the Horse can be quite provoking for the mindful Pig, but he should be able to look the other way often enough for their mutual sanity. These two Signs make a good couple.

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