Saturday, January 6, 2007

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Tiger (for Female)

TIGER (For Female)

For those born in the following years :

1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, and 1998


The female Tiger can be a big pussycat unless she is confronted or bored. You cannot abide a sterile situation, and will move to greener pastures if the least little obstacle presents itself. You prefer to travel rather than settle down, as you like to keep your own counsel and remain independent. Your life is one of adventure, due primarily to a tragically short attention span.

When you love it is with great intensity and ferocity, but against boredom even the gods (and goddesses) contend in vain, so that nothing is ever forever with you. You have a mighty spirit, and are intelligent and beautiful, with a sharp and incisive wit and great rhetorical talent, but you take offense too easily and thereby create many enemies for yourself.

In Relationships

Tigers are incredibly sexy people, beautiful to most people and sensually romantic. They are spontaneous lovers who never lose their creative spark or flare for an evening of passion. They offer their partner a hint of danger and exhibit a curiosity for the unknown. Due to these obvious romantic virtues, Tigers are never in want of company on a weekend night.

The trouble arises when Tigers feel the need to settle down. They will have a hard time convincing their former acquaintances of the sincerity of their intentions and actions with regard to eventual marriage! But it is important to remember that no one can remain a player forever in the social scene, and Tigers are no exception to this general rule.

Likes and Dislikes

Tiger people are balls of energy and really enjoy being out about engaged in any sort of recreational physical activity. The favorite color of Tigers is green, and their corresponding gemstones are ruby and topaz. They like cookbooks, travel guides, sporting equipment, mystery novels and the odd game of football. They also enjoy parties, amateur dramatics, and vacations in exotic locales.

Some of the things that Tiger people could do without are, first and foremost, not getting enough recognition for their efforts on the behalf of others -- they hate being passed over, especially for others who they may consider to be inferior! They also don't like being made to feel inferior to others, and they especially dislike rude people. They will go to great pains to avoid those they consider impolite!

Compatibility with guys of different signs

1. Female Tiger & Male Rat

The male Rat is fond of change, but not perhaps to the extent that the female Tiger will be willing to provide it. Both of these Signs are bored with any sort of humdrum routine, but the Tiger will seek methods of entertainment that may make the more conservative and cautious Rat feel abandoned -- and not in a good way, either.

The Tiger may be fooling about with a situation that the Rat regards as altogether more serious, and when both are apprised of each other's motives for their pairing, an immediate falling-out may be the result. It is important for these two would-be lovers to keep the lines of communication open. If they can understand each other at the outset, these two might just decide to simply enjoy their single night of bliss.

2. Female Tiger & Male Ox

The male Ox needs to watch out for the female Tiger's more disruptive antics every step of the way in order to keep this relationship a viable concern. The Tiger injects a stimulating sense of surprise into the staid male Ox's orderly and calm life, and for that he is thankful, but too many surprises will come to be viewed as a disruption of the routine, and that the Ox cannot stand.

The Tiger may find herself a bit bored by her stuffy companion, and take to other methods of keeping her heart occupied -- other partners, too. If this occurs the two will be better off calling it quits. But if the male Ox's patience is up to the task, a bit of flirtatious fun on the part of his woman will not place undue strain on the relationship.

3. Female Tiger & Male Tiger

The addition of the male Tiger to the already rambunctious female Tiger is like adding nitro to glycerin -- an explosion is only waiting to happen, and will as soon as any sources of friction are discovered. This shouldn't take long -- Tigers are very volatile personalities, and a relationship doesn't leave either party with as much room for maneuver as either would prefer.

Every day is new bundle of experiences, rife with surprise for these two, and each will have a different solution. In nature, Tigers are very solitary and territorial creatures that rarely allow others of the same species to share their personal space, and the Chinese sages named this human personality type after this particular animal for a very good reason. These two will whirl apart under their own momentum.

4. Female Tiger & Male Rabbit

The male Rabbit prefers a regular home environment -- which is precisely what the flamboyant female Tiger is not going to provide for him in any reliable quantity. The female Tiger may provide the male Rabbit with new and exciting experiences, both in and out of bed, but these will prove to be short-lived, as his regular habits conspire to bore her to tears.

By the time she is convinced it's better to leave, the male Rabbit will be glad of a chance to catch his breath. These two just have too many differences for it to work out, but that doesn't mean they'll end up hating each other. This is not one for the ages, but it will be fun while it lasts, and the Rabbit at least will brag about it for years afterward.

5. Female Tiger & Male Dragon

These two Signs will get along famously. The male Dragon has the right stuff to keep the female Tiger from getting bored, and the two will sweep each other to ever-increasing heights of diversion and novelty. The Tiger in turn can use her natural grace and agility to keep a happy and satisfied Dragon from straying too far from her side.

Each will wink at the other's occasional lapses from the straight and narrow path of fidelity -- after all, each knows how it is for people with excess charisma and insatiable desires. Their bedroom antics will be marvels of gymnastic excess -- someone should sell tickets. This relationship of sorts should last as long as both parties are cognizant of its official existence.

6. Female Tiger & Male Snake

This match may prove to be somewhat disjointed, as here we have the disparate conjunction of a cerebral nature with a most physical nature indeed. The male Snake will be frantic to get his partner to sit down and listen once in a while, but the female Tiger is constitutionally incapable of pursuing the sedentary arts for any length of time.

Without patience and caring on both sides, an exasperated Snake will finally wave goodbye, good luck and good riddance to his bored partner, who in turn will make a beeline straight to the nearest scene of action. If this relationship is to succeed, each partner will have to try very hard to understand the other's alien needs, and respect them for what they are. If they can recognize each other as equals, there is a chance, albeit slim, for permanence here.

7. Female Tiger & Male Horse

The male Horse and the female Tiger are two intensely physical Signs, and will share the same penchant for strenuous activity, as long as it's the fun kind and not the work kind. They will resemble two children at play, and both may be surprised to find that one day they will wake up in love with each other. Whether these two can stay that way depends upon the amount of emotional interplay these two.

If they can develop a more mature appreciation of what a relationship stands for, as opposed to treating it as a convenient carnival for amusement purposes only, then it could prove to have lasting benefits. If not, then each may learn something for when they finally do grow up. A constant sense of fun may wind up being its only reward.

8. Female Tiger & Male Goat

The male Goat places a premium on his orderly and comfortable environment. The female Tiger is far from tame, and will blow through his safe and sane existence like a tornado. This match may be good for the short term, but the long term will never work out.

She will be bored with him, and he, after his initial fascination wears off, will be exasperated at her habitual verve. A mutual dismissal of each other as childish is in the offing. These two can never learn to appreciate even the very little they have to offer each other, and it would be better for them if they had never met. Someday they will look back upon their abortive attempts at romance and laugh themselves silly at their youthful foray into folly.

9. Female Tiger & Male Monkey

The male Monkey and the female Tiger are both extremely competitive people and neither knows the meaning of the word "compromise." The resultant challenge these two ego cases present to each other may prove to be too fascinating for them to resist giving it the old college try, no matter what advice they may receive to the contrary. The Monkey may secretly admire the Tiger but will be unable to resist poking fun at her.

The Tiger will of course retaliate in kind, and the relationship could very well spiral downwards into destruction from that point on. Unless there is an abundance of love in the male Monkey's heart and some moderation on the female Tiger's part, this couple is fated to fall apart sooner rather than later.

10. Female Tiger & Male Rooster

While initially promising, this combination of the male Rooster and the female Tiger will be unlikely to last very long -- in fact, they will be hard pressed to amount to more than a pair of good friends. They have a great many characteristics in common, but will quickly fall into misunderstanding what each other can do to contribute to a relationship.

Constant criticism on the part of both participants does little save to hurry things along to their inevitable disastrous grand finale. The female Tiger is hardly a creature of the intellect, and she may be unable to see the thoughtful nature lurking behind the male Rooster's swaggering facade. All the indicators on this match point solely to a negative outcome for all concerned.

11. Female Tiger & Male Dog

The male Dog prefers to test the ground beneath every footstep and agonize about every decision, no matter how trivial or pointless it may seem. He will serve as a sort of "distant early warning" system for his trigger-happy consort, as the female Tiger likes to just lea into the fray and damn the consequences.

She will be thankful for his advice, as proof that she can count upon his unconditional support in all areas of life, no matter what mistakes she may make along the way with her headstrong tactics. The Dog in turn will allow her the appearance of control. As long he keeps getting the Tiger's exuberant displays of physical affection on a regular basis, the male Dog will be eminently satisfied with the way things have worked out.

12. Female Tiger & Male Pig

The Pig and the Tiger are almost the same person once one penetrates past the surface differences. The male Pig accepts the female Tiger's occasional departures from the nest and will learn in time to control his jealousy regarding her whereabouts -- if he doesn't, and starts to obsess, this relationship will vanish in the twinkling of an eye.

He needs to be made to understand that she will never stray far because she's too fond of his sense of humor and bright cheerful outlook to ever fall for anyone else. The male Pig may even convince the female Tiger to start a family somewhere down the line -- a truly remarkable feat. This is a comfortable union that will extend itself indefinitely with a little forbearance on both sides.

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