OX (For Male)
For those born in the following years :
1949, 1961, 1973, 1985 and 1997
The male Ox can be a book that does not allow himself to be read. You tend to keep any doubts you may harbor about the way things are going bottled up inside. You are a pessimist at heart, but it is this very caution that prompts your plans for the future -- and you always have a plan of some sort ready to be placed into execution. You are very disciplined and dutiful, but not particularly bright.
Your inherent love of personal comfort may preclude your entering into any positions of power in your career, but should you achieve such a position, it would be best for you to avoid the hazards of authoritarian rule by learning how to delegate your authority to trusted subordinates. A sense of trust in general will go far in alleviating your sometimes overly suspicious nature.
In Relationships
Ox people dislike idle chatter. They don't have fun at parties and don't have a ton of friends. They are not very sociable and would rather be spending their time at home with their families. When the Ox is in love, they don't confirm their feelings verbally. They prefer to show how they feel rather than tell the object of their desire flat out of their romantic intentions.
An Ox will take a long time to decide who precisely is the right match for them because Ox people hate change and want to find someone who is ready to embark upon a stable marriage. Ox people never rush into anything and are not flirtatious in general. Once they have committed to one person, they will usually be faithful and expect reciprocation of their honorable attitudes and behavior.
Likes and Dislikes
Ox people prefer stability -- they are traditionalists and homemakers by habit. Rarely would one expect an Ox person to be an extroverted hedonist. They are happiest in the peace and quiet of their own home environment. Ox people are fond of the color violet, and their corresponding gemstones are jade, emerald, and agate. They like kitchen accessories, gardening and planting books, cookbooks, and especially bonsai trees.
In their spare time they enjoy a personal fitness regimen, cooking, gardening, and sewing. Ox people dislike idle gossip and useless chitchat. They are also not fond of what they deem to be unnecessary social niceties and games people play -- Ox people like to get straight to the point whenever possible. They really don't appreciate being made fools of in public.
Compatibility with gals of different signs
1. Male Snake & Female Rat
The male Ox may find the more outwardly mobile female Rat to be somewhat trying in her more emotional moods, but this couple has much to recommend it in the long run, and should prove to be exquisitely stable. The Rat lends a streak of ingenuity with which to further the material designs of the Ox, and he will be hugely thankful for his partner's input in times of stress.
Should either partner feel the need for some personal time off, jealousy will not be an issue, as these two are all about mutual trust. They understand and cooperate with each other to a degree that other Sign combination couples might justifiably envy. These two will be the first to admit that marriage is just around the corner for them both.
2. Male Ox & Female Ox
A couple composed of this understanding Sign is assured of durability, due to the patient nature of both partners. Ox persons are calm and efficient, with a strong sense of right and wrong, as well as a work ethic that would put an ant to shame. Any rocky patches will be smoothed over in the light of calm reason.
Neither will erupt in the sort of emotional pyrotechnics common to more stormy couples, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a great deal of true love present in this match. Far from it -- these twin Oxen are simply of a more mature streak, which acknowledges and reciprocates affection without making a big production out of it all. Bet the house and kids on this duo, for they will last a very long time together.
3. Male Ox & Female Tiger
The male Ox needs to watch out for the female Tiger's more disruptive antics every step of the way in order to keep this relationship a viable concern. The Tiger injects a stimulating sense of surprise into the staid male Ox's orderly and calm life, and for that he is thankful, but too many surprises will come to be viewed as a disruption of the routine, and that the Ox cannot stand.
The Tiger may find herself a bit bored by her stuffy companion, and take to other methods of keeping her heart occupied -- other partners, too. If this occurs the two will be better off calling it quits. But if the male Ox's patience is up to the task, a bit of flirtatious fun on the part of his woman will not place undue strain on the relationship.
4. Male Ox & Female Rabbit
Both of these characters appreciate the positive benefits of a comfortable home environment. The male Ox and the female Rabbit are most alike in that they value dependability, safety and security over anything else -- and especially over the sort of emotional histrionics that most couples are heir to.
The Rabbit can easily persuade the frequently stubborn Ox in to sharing her viewpoint on nearly any aspect of the relationship, and in such a way so as not offend his pride as well. The Ox in his turn provides a rock of stability upon which the couple can rely in times of stress, both spiritual and material. The prognosis of this match is very good -- it is to be greatly encouraged by all concerned.
5. Male Ox & Female Dragon
The male Ox is a tower of patience, but this will be sorely tested by the fast-living and vibrant Dragon lady, should these two disparate Signs collide. Dragons stop for no one, and rush in where angels fear to tread. The Ox will condemn such behavior as indicative of the fool, even as he marvels at his consort's joi de vivre. But it is easy to see that these two won't last long.
The Ox is at heart a comfortable, stay-at-home sort, while the female Dragon needs constant excitement -- the sort that such a stodgy mate is unlikely to be able to provide. She may be the best thing that ever happened to him, and he'll remember her for the rest of his life, but memories is all the male Ox will have to show for the night the Dragon took him home.
6. Male Ox & Female Snake
The male Ox is attracted at first by the female Snake's inherent charm, and will be more than happy to shelter her from the evil vicissitudes of fate for the rest of eternity, if only he may be the object of her sensuous ways. The Snake in turn will feel empowered by the Ox's unconditional adulation, and will take advantage of his unflagging support to seek out new and challenging experiences over which to triumph.
If the Snake wanders too far away, the Ox may consider their unspoken trust broken and turn his broad back upon his ex, even if nothing untoward has happened. If the Snake knows what's good for her, she won't push the envelope of her considerable freedom too far, and the couple will stay together for the foreseeable future.
7. Male Ox & Female Horse
The male Ox may often find himself left in the lurch by the female Horse's restless energy -- she will leap while he is still peering uncertainly ahead. This will irritate the Ox in time, but in the early stages of the affair he will be amazed and delighted by the versatility of his companion. The female Horse in her turn may be put off by the fact that her companion is so sedate and reasonable.
Many arguments will arise from this mismatched arrangement of temperaments. Eventually the understanding nature of the Ox will reach the breaking point -- probably around the same time the Horse's boredom level reaches critical mass. This couple is highly unlikely to remain together for any length of time, but the relationship could be a learning experience for both while it lasts.
8. Male Ox & Female Goat
The male Ox is able to provide the strong right arm upon which the female Goat will be able to lean. He will protect her from the world, and in turn she will offer him unlimited devotion, as well as a new and profitable viewpoint from which to observe his sustaining efforts. The Ox will assume full responsibility for the nuts and bolts of the relationship, and if anything, the Goat will feel herself stifled by his heavy hands-on approach to the situation.
If she can keep from feeling too suppressed or trapped, then the relationship will continue. If, however, the female Goat feels the need to acquire more of an identity of her own, then the relationship is doomed to dissolution. It is up to the Ox to use his serene judgment to adjust his actions and determine the outcome.
9. Male Ox & Female Monkey
The female Monkey is more fun than a barrel full of her relatives, and the male Ox may be too staid a creature too appreciate the great companion that he has. After suffering opprobrium for what to her is simply a natural life inclination for fun at the expense of misery, the female Monkey will grow a bit tired of the whole situation and slough off her boring lover in favor livelier company.
The exhausted Ox will only be too happy to watch her go, and will count himself lucky. These two personalities are just too divergent for them to work together for any length of time, and rather than measuring the duration of the match, it is more appropriate to discuss whether the match ever truly existed at all for either of these two people.
10. Male Ox & Female Rooster
The male Ox and the female Rooster can compliment each other's approach to the game of life. The outgoing and vivacious Rooster can serve to inject a degree of flair into the Ox's prosaic existence that may have been lacking prior to her arrival. The Ox, in turn, may provide a more grounded base of operations for the Rooster -- an emotional shelter in which she may recover from life's slings and arrows.
The Ox can also serve to help the Rooster weed out reality from amidst her thicket of hopelessly private fictions. If she can keep both of her feet on the ground long enough, the Rooster will come to realize that the Ox is simply waiting for her to make up her mind, and nine times out of ten she will do so in a manner that will cement the relationship further.
11. Male Ox & Female Dog
It is all about trust for these two highly compatible Signs. The Ox needs the Dog to tell him when enough is enough, and to help him gauge the seriousness of any given problem. The Dog, in turn, needs the Ox to reassure her that everything will turn out all right in end. The two together will prevent an endless series of nervous breakdowns for all concerned.
The female Dog is as loyal as her Sign may indicate, and the Ox will be very thankful of her unconditional support in times of great tension. These two together will form a match of great strength and stability -- stronger than either would have proven exposed to the world all alone. It is highly advisable for them to issue wedding invitations as soon as possible.
12. Male Ox & Female Pig
The female Pig is very fond of the company of her vast ring of acquaintances, but she is equally at home by the fireside of her complaisant mate the male Ox. His predictability is especially heartwarming for her. She will enjoy dragging him out of his easy chair and making him dance to her tune once in a while.
The Ox in his turn really could use a break from his constant work patterns, and the Pig is just what the doctor ordered in this regard. From time to time the Ox may express concern regarding the Pig's spending habits, but there will be no lasting ill effects on the relationship because of a little injudicious spending on her part. The tiny annoyances will in time add up to a lasting affection. This is a good match for everyone involved.
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