Saturday, January 6, 2007

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Goat (for Female)

GOAT (For Female)

For those born in the following years :

1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 and 2003


The female Goat enjoys deliberately flaunting conventions, especially if you perceive any sort of social injustice inherent in them. Your carefree existence makes you extremely gullible at times -- watch out or some sharp character is apt to lead you around by the nose! Hostility is simply not in your nature. Your extra helping of talent will be sure to get you noticed in the long run, no matter what field of endeavor presents itself.

You feel a great need to be the center of attention, as you cannot abide the slightest bit of criticism or rejection and require the reaffirmation of self inherent in constant praise to be able to function. Luckily, you have many qualities that will elicit praise from the right people almost as a matter of course.

In Relationships

People born under the Sign of the Goat have a morbid fear of being left alone, whether for the night or for the rest of their lives. They are very family oriented people, and would love nothing better than a suitable and stable partner with which to settle down and raise a litter of children. If their current romantic interest does not like children or big families, then they just won't be right for the Goat.

Goats will give themselves entirely to the right person and will do everything they can to maintain a stable, loving, happy relationship. This doesn't, however, mean that they will allow themselves to be walked all over or taken advantage of. If their partner cheats on them, or otherwise doesn't play according to the rules, then hell hath no fury like a Goat scorned!

Likes and Dislikes

Goats are cultured people who prefer the sort of entertainments not patronized by those of the common crowd. The favorite colors of the Goat person are pink and purple, and their corresponding gemstones are moonstone, sapphire and jade. Goats like bathrobes, broaches, peppermint oil, seashells, being massaged and opera tickets. They are consummate sybarites and enjoy pampering themselves and their bodies.

They prefer to spend their leisure time reading, eating, drinking fine wines, swimming and watching movies. Goats dislike the feeling of being separated from all of their friends and loved ones -- they like to have the support of those close to them in their endeavors. They also dislike conflict of any sort, and are very good at dodging it completely whenever it may surface in their lives.

Compatibility with guys of different signs

1. Female Goat & Male Rat

The female Goat would rather slacken the pace a notch or two than be forever careening madly in the wake of the male Rat. These two are both incurably romantic types, but they have widely divergent methods of expressing their strong feelings for each other, and may not be cognizant of what the other is trying to do for the relationship.

Active Rat boy sees what he wants and goes for it with determination and flair, while Goat girl likes to think over every move before she makes it, and if possible keep all of her exits clear in case of emergency. This diffidence may translate as a lack of affection to the Rat partner, and he may seek more demonstrative lovers elsewhere before too long. All in all, these two have very little in common and make a poor match.

2. Female Goat & Male Ox

The male Ox is able to provide the strong right arm upon which the female Goat will be able to lean. He will protect her from the world, and in turn she will offer him unlimited devotion, as well as a new and profitable viewpoint from which to observe his sustaining efforts. The Ox will assume full responsibility for the nuts and bolts of the relationship, and if anything, the Goat will feel herself stifled by his heavy hands-on approach to the situation.

If she can keep from feeling too suppressed or trapped, then the relationship will continue. If, however, the female Goat feels the need to acquire more of an identity of her own, then the relationship is doomed to dissolution. It is up to the Ox to use his serene judgment to adjust his actions and determine the outcome.

3. Female Goat & Male Tiger

The male Tiger requires the freedom of his emotions in order to enjoy life, while the female Goat also requires her own brand of freedom -- the freedom of the intellect. But she also needs a firm place to stand and confront the world on her own terms, and the Tiger is not going to provide the stability she needs.

The Tiger doesn't know how to fend off the regimented forces of life, and wouldn't if he could -- he's all about grabbing a bit of diversion while he can still enjoy it. The female Goat would be better off terminating this sorry attempt at a relationship and looking elsewhere for her security, which is why she so frequently does exactly that. The Tiger will be content with the enjoyment he had while it lasted.

4. Female Goat & Male Rabbit

The male Rabbit and the female Goat are very much the perfect mates for each other. They enjoy daydreaming together, and their unbridled fantasy life translates nicely into a rich and fulfilling sex life for this lucky couple. The Rabbit's habitual nervousness will be soothed by the Goat's attentions, while the Goat can count on the practical rabbit to make sure that all of the more mundane aspects of their shared life together are constantly kept in order.

The Achilles' heel of this relationship is the rare occasion when both the Rabbit and the Goat are upset simultaneously -- then it's a toss-up as to who will comfort who first, if at all. Most of the time, however, these two Signs are ideal for each other's emotional requirements.

5. Female Goat & Male Dragon

The male Dragon will sweep the female Goat off of her feet in the twinkling of an eye, but such a whirlwind courtship may leave dark lingering doubts deep in the Goat's consciousness. She will feel that she cannot place the faith that she needs to place in her partner in such a one as the fickle Dragon, and her instincts shall serve her correctly.

The flash and dazzle of this relationship will be grand while they last, but in the end the Goat will reach a point of commitment at the same time the Dragon begins to yawn and make motions towards the door. Both are in it for the short term, but for opposite reasons. Both parties would be better served to relegate this unfortunate incident to the storehouse of memory.

6. Female Goat & Male Snake

Both the male Snake and the female Goat despise the routines of ordinary life and prefer to break out of the ordinary once in a while. The Goat's imagination dovetails nicely with the Snake's accumulated knowledge. The male Snake will be able to slip away from shared activities that he considers superfluous or annoying, and the Goat will be none the wiser.

Any attempt on either partner to force the relationship into a straitjacket of strict rules and regulations will result in the psychological pressure building to an explosive head that will wreck everything. It is up to the Goat's ability to tone down her need for emotional reassurance, so that the Snake doesn't feel ensnared by something he feels is outside his control.

7. Female Goat & Male Horse

The male Horse is very much the rambunctious type, with energy to burn -- he is always sticking his head in where it may or may not be welcome, and apologizing afterwards if necessary. The female Goat is more than happy to go along for the ride, as she will appreciate the new vistas such experiences supply to fuel her imaginative faculties.

The problem lies in the Horse's essential self-centeredness -- he may not know when to give the Goat the extra reassurance hug she needs to cope with the stresses of life. If he won't be more forthcoming with his affections, the Goat may be forced to rely upon others for her security, and that could torpedo the relationship. All it will take is some attention to detail for these two to have a great time together.

8. Female Goat & Male Goat

These two individuals have a natural empathy with each other that allows them to communicate soul to soul, as it were. The male Goat and the female Goat understand each other's occasional need for a bit of private dream-time, and neither will be offended if the other wishes to retire. The cerebral dimension is greatly appreciated by these two patient members of the same Sign.

Unfortunately, someone is going to have to be responsible for the practical side of life, and neither person is going to come forward and volunteer, so some sort of rotating schedule will have to be ironed out between them. If the required responsibilities can be successfully allocated without too much friction, it should be smooth sailing from that point on.

9. Female Goat & Male Monkey

The female Goat and the male Monkey will never be bored with each other's company. With the Monkey's quick wit and the Goat's fervent imagination these two will never lack for things to do, and their physical mattress trysts will sparkle with erotic ingenuity. The male Monkey may not be able to provide as much reassurance as the female Goat will require, but their meeting of the minds will be too good to pass up.

These two Signs will be more than happy to overlook the few points of conflict in favor of a relationship that will outshine the stars themselves, and they are both bright enough not to tear it apart with unrealistic expectations. Truly this is a very good combination of personalities, and should last for a good long while.

10. Female Goat & Male Rooster

These two Signs have very little in common and cannot understand each other at all. The male Rooster is an extrovert with a brash outer core, while the female Goat is shrinking violet with the soul of a poetic librarian -- the personality conflict presents itself in the plainest terms.

Although the male Rooster will be able to support the female Goat financially, the female Goat will not be able to give the male Rooster the sort of unconditional praise that he needs to feel comfortable. He in his turn will not be nearly reassuring enough for the fragile Goat. She should take notes in bed for the purpose of surprising a more permanent lover in the future, but an increased erotic knowledge will be the Rooster's only keepsake left behind when he leaves for the far horizon.

11. Female Goat & Male Dog

The male Rabbit and the female Dog are honest, reliable and hardworking to a fault. They both appreciate security above all other considerations in the relationship, and since this is the case, will never let each other down. Together they can preserve their own little world free of malevolent intrusions, and when each is frightened of the unknown the other will immediately leap to reassure the delicate nerves of their intended.

On the rare occasions when the Dog is stirred to violence by an experience especially provoking, the Rabbit will be able to pour his oil over the troubled waters almost before anyone else can notice the altercation. Marriage is almost always a result of this relationship, and that right quickly.

12. Female Goat & Male Pig

The male Dog may not have what it takes to put the bizarre reveries of the female Goat into practice, which is really what she requires of a lover. His staunch assistance in keeping her in touch with reality will be alternately appreciated and despised by her in her frequent mood swings.

These two Signs should take great care, insofar as it is possible not to be depressed at the same time, or words may be exchanged that both will regret but that neither can retract. These cutting statements may serve to end the relationship before its appointed time. The male Dog and female Goat will have to learn to think happy thoughts once in a while to keep things on an even emotional keel for the sake of their precarious union.

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