Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Away for a while

To all my friends,

I will be going away for some holiday and will be back one month later....

Do tune in again then. See ya !

Dating Doc

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Snake (for Male)

SNAKE (For Male)

For those born in the following years :

1953, 1965, 1977, 1989 and 2001


The male Snake is driven to success, and may exhibit all the classic symptoms of the poor loser if balked at any point in your ascent to the top. You are a hedonist of the first water, always trim and neat, tidy and well groomed -- you enjoy playing the field and will angle adroitly to prevent being tied down by responsibilities, whether of a romantic nature or not.

You are influential in higher circles and can come off as a bit of a snob upon introduction to new faces. You are romantic and passionate, and have a killer sense of humor, with which you bait your attractive traps. You enjoy frequenting casinos, but you should learn to curb your gambling fixation, as you never manage to walk away from the table ahead of the game.

In Relationships

Snakes are beautiful people who exhibit a large amount of raw sexual appeal. They are sleek and seductive, and if they want you they will cast an emotional spell on you that won't let you stop thinking about them. However, Snakes are quite prejudiced when choosing a partner and don't just choose based on physical qualities -- they need a meeting of the minds as well.

The Snake needs a partner who can appreciate their quirky sense of humor and their oddball method of handling difficult situations. Generally, although quite beautiful and tempting to approach, the Snake does all the pursuing, picking, choosing and selecting. In the end, they will slither off with just the right mate for themselves.

Likes and Dislikes

Snakes are highly aesthetic people with very firm beliefs about what is beautiful and what is not. They like to stay in their cozy home nests. The favorite color of the Snake is red, and their corresponding gemstones are jasper and bloodstone. They are quite keen on binoculars, exotic oils and balms, and stamp collecting. They also enjoy astrology, painting, going on long vacations, and amateur photography.

Snakes dislike being interrupted while they are talking, or indeed having their own opinion on something being challenged in any way. They also don't take kindly to being misled or lied to in any way, especially where their personal life or private business may suffer in some way because of such incorrect information. Snakes will make enemies pay dearly for any sort of detrimental intrigue or infringement on their perceived prerogatives!

Compatibility with gals of different signs

1. Male Snake & Female Rat

The male Snake is a repository of strange and tantalizing knowledge that will whet the female Rat's curiosity long enough for these two Signs to get to know each other a little better. Once the awkward initial phase is past, it should be smooth sailing for these two highly cerebral Signs. The female Rat is by far the more pragmatic of the pair, but the male Snake has an agenda of his own, and they combine to serve a dual interest.

They will respect and admire each other's drive, even if they do not quite understand their final goals. It is in this shared respect of the mind that this relationship will thrive. These partners should find enough in their respective viewpoints to keep each other enthralled forever, or nearly so.

2. Male Snake & Female Ox

The male Snake should take great care not to presume too much upon his partner the female Ox's patience. Should he be too venturesome outside the boundaries of what the Ox considers their inviolable association, she will feel hurt and cheated and taken advantage of, with the result that she will put her foot down with finality upon the shattered husk of their mutual romance.

After this occurs, not all the wiles of the Snake's clever tongue can conjure a way back into her good graces. The female Ox values her companion's probing wit and vast knowledge of odd facts, and her practical streak will appreciate his assistance in her many projects. As long as he behaves, these two should be able to last a good long time together.

3. Male Snake & Female Tiger

This match may prove to be somewhat disjointed, as here we have the disparate conjunction of a cerebral nature with a most physical nature indeed. The male Snake will be frantic to get his partner to sit down and listen once in a while, but the female Tiger is constitutionally incapable of pursuing the sedentary arts for any length of time.

Without patience and caring on both sides, an exasperated Snake will finally wave goodbye, good luck and good riddance to his bored partner, who in turn will make a beeline straight to the nearest scene of action. If this relationship is to succeed, each partner will have to try very hard to understand the other's alien needs, and respect them for what they are. If they can recognize each other as equals, there is a chance, albeit slim, for permanence here.

4. Male Snake & Female Rabbit

The male Snake may soon grow frustrated at his mismatched companion's aura of practicality, while the female Rabbit will in turn experience dismay at her partner's divergences into realms of pure fancy. The Rabbit will feel threatened at her basic level of security, and will react by nagging the Snake into toeing the line.

Nagging is never a good strategy, and in this instance will chivvy the mind-proud Snake into denouncing her as his intellectual inferior and slamming the door on his way out to the nearest Mensa meeting to cruise for a new squeeze. The female Rabbit would be better off with a man who shares her material concerns with regard to the future. The male Snake's disregard for their shared future is indeed the cause of this couple's quick collapse.

5. Male Snake & Female Dragon

There is an element of possibility in this conjunction, if both partners are willing to work for it. The scheming male Snake will provide the brain power behind the scenes, leaving the female Dragon to issue the vocal proclamations while shimmering in the spotlight uncontested, as she prefers to be.

Unless the male Snake learns to open up a bit and keep the channels of communication open, the Dragon may turn elsewhere for reassurance, which will leave him feeling betrayed. Only by sharing everything can this partnership succeed. The Dragon will find her goals within easy reach if she accepts the Snake's advice on a regular basis. The Snake, too, will appreciate his radiant significant other's company as a break from life's routine.

6. Male Snake & Female Snake

These twin Snakes are in mutual awe of each other's scintillating intellects, and enjoy each other's snappy patter to no end. They excel at cooking up schemes for their future goals, and any tense situations can be defused by the gentle application of two senses of rare humor. Such a strong understanding can only serve to keep the male and the female snake together forever, as long as boredom doesn't begin to creep in and undermine the familiarity of this well-understood conjunction.

Snakes are human, too, after all, and since this Sign generally relies on a more vivid partner to provide it with distractions, two Snakes together may feel that an element of vivacity is sorely lacking. If they can get around this perceived flaw, they're golden for the future.

7. Male Snake & Female Horse

The female Horse can easily fall for the male Snake's charming intellect, and she will also be excited by his being a constant fount of new ideas. The male Snake in turn will not object to the Horse's many exploratory rambles about the earth's surface, as long as he doesn't feel like he is forced to tag along when he'd rather sit quietly at home with a good book.

The Snake can manipulate the relationship to suit himself, while encouraging the Horse in the false belief that she is in control of the situation. A sense of exasperation when faced with the Horse's near-constant vitality is only natural and can be safely suppressed, if the Snake wishes to keep things together. As long as the facade remains in place, this match will last as long as the Snake wishes it to do so.

8. Male Snake & Female Goat

Both the male Snake and the female Goat despise the routines of ordinary life and prefer to break out of the ordinary once in a while. The Goat's imagination dovetails nicely with the Snake's accumulated knowledge. The male Snake will be able to slip away from shared activities that he considers superfluous or annoying, and the Goat will be none the wiser.

Any attempt on either partner to force the relationship into a straitjacket of strict rules and regulations will result in the psychological pressure building to an explosive head that will wreck everything. It is up to the Goat's ability to tone down her need for emotional reassurance, so that the Snake doesn't feel ensnared by something he feels is outside his control.

9. Male Snake & Female Monkey

The male Snake and the female Monkey have the potential to keep themselves together via a shared interest in solving interesting problems and questions. They both enjoy a challenge and can work well together in a mental sense by bouncing ideas off of each other in deep discussion. The female Monkey can intuitively sense opportunities that the more prosaic Snake intellect may be slow in deducing with his pedestrian logic.

The two together form equal halves of the same brain. As long as the Monkey can keep her patience stable for the inevitable soul-searching that the cerebral Snake mind demands from time to time in order to feel a sense of closeness, there is no reason why these two sharp personalities shouldn't keep each other company for some time.

10. Male Snake & Female Rooster

The male Snake and the female Rooster are alike in their mutual appreciation of aesthetic experiences, and they will spend a great deal of time introducing one another to artistic thrills with which they are respectively familiar. The intuitive empathy that exists between these Signs is tremendous, and they will make a very good-looking couple in society.

The male Snake is capable of recognizing the depths that lurk behind the apparent shallowness of the boisterous and outspoken Rooster, and she in turn knows how to stroke the reclusive Snake's ego, among other things. The Rooster has just enough good common sense to always accept the Snake's honestly offered sound advice. Openness of exchange is the key to the extraordinary stability of this relationship.

11. Male Snake & Female Dog

The loving and loyal female Dog is willing to place her unreserved trust in the male Snake's superior knowledge and judgment, and in the process choke down his constant flow of unsolicited advice in just about every department of their association. The Snake is chock full of wise reassurances that go far in soothing the Dog when she becomes excited or afraid about the great unknown that lies ahead.

The dedication of the Dog, in turn, is just what the Snake needs to give him the peace of mind necessary for accurate cogitation. The mutually soothing and protective nature of this relationship is just what these two participants need to get through life. They should stay together for a very long time.

12. Male Snake & Female Pig

The male Snake enjoys attention, and can convince the female Pig to give him exactly that by judicious use of his store of odd facts to amaze and delight his intended mate. The Pig will, if sufficiently impressed, stay together with the Snake in hopes of sharing in one or two of his dazzling exploits.

The Snake may consider the Pig dim, but she isn't, and she won't be fooled for a second if the Snake attempts to pull the wool over her eyes in order to indulge his wayward passions. What's good for the gander is good for the goose in this case, and the Pig may retaliate in kind with all of the spare time the male Snake leaves her. If these two can keep their attentions from wandering, they might be able to make everything work out O.K.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Goat (for Female)

GOAT (For Female)

For those born in the following years :

1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 and 2003


The female Goat enjoys deliberately flaunting conventions, especially if you perceive any sort of social injustice inherent in them. Your carefree existence makes you extremely gullible at times -- watch out or some sharp character is apt to lead you around by the nose! Hostility is simply not in your nature. Your extra helping of talent will be sure to get you noticed in the long run, no matter what field of endeavor presents itself.

You feel a great need to be the center of attention, as you cannot abide the slightest bit of criticism or rejection and require the reaffirmation of self inherent in constant praise to be able to function. Luckily, you have many qualities that will elicit praise from the right people almost as a matter of course.

In Relationships

People born under the Sign of the Goat have a morbid fear of being left alone, whether for the night or for the rest of their lives. They are very family oriented people, and would love nothing better than a suitable and stable partner with which to settle down and raise a litter of children. If their current romantic interest does not like children or big families, then they just won't be right for the Goat.

Goats will give themselves entirely to the right person and will do everything they can to maintain a stable, loving, happy relationship. This doesn't, however, mean that they will allow themselves to be walked all over or taken advantage of. If their partner cheats on them, or otherwise doesn't play according to the rules, then hell hath no fury like a Goat scorned!

Likes and Dislikes

Goats are cultured people who prefer the sort of entertainments not patronized by those of the common crowd. The favorite colors of the Goat person are pink and purple, and their corresponding gemstones are moonstone, sapphire and jade. Goats like bathrobes, broaches, peppermint oil, seashells, being massaged and opera tickets. They are consummate sybarites and enjoy pampering themselves and their bodies.

They prefer to spend their leisure time reading, eating, drinking fine wines, swimming and watching movies. Goats dislike the feeling of being separated from all of their friends and loved ones -- they like to have the support of those close to them in their endeavors. They also dislike conflict of any sort, and are very good at dodging it completely whenever it may surface in their lives.

Compatibility with guys of different signs

1. Female Goat & Male Rat

The female Goat would rather slacken the pace a notch or two than be forever careening madly in the wake of the male Rat. These two are both incurably romantic types, but they have widely divergent methods of expressing their strong feelings for each other, and may not be cognizant of what the other is trying to do for the relationship.

Active Rat boy sees what he wants and goes for it with determination and flair, while Goat girl likes to think over every move before she makes it, and if possible keep all of her exits clear in case of emergency. This diffidence may translate as a lack of affection to the Rat partner, and he may seek more demonstrative lovers elsewhere before too long. All in all, these two have very little in common and make a poor match.

2. Female Goat & Male Ox

The male Ox is able to provide the strong right arm upon which the female Goat will be able to lean. He will protect her from the world, and in turn she will offer him unlimited devotion, as well as a new and profitable viewpoint from which to observe his sustaining efforts. The Ox will assume full responsibility for the nuts and bolts of the relationship, and if anything, the Goat will feel herself stifled by his heavy hands-on approach to the situation.

If she can keep from feeling too suppressed or trapped, then the relationship will continue. If, however, the female Goat feels the need to acquire more of an identity of her own, then the relationship is doomed to dissolution. It is up to the Ox to use his serene judgment to adjust his actions and determine the outcome.

3. Female Goat & Male Tiger

The male Tiger requires the freedom of his emotions in order to enjoy life, while the female Goat also requires her own brand of freedom -- the freedom of the intellect. But she also needs a firm place to stand and confront the world on her own terms, and the Tiger is not going to provide the stability she needs.

The Tiger doesn't know how to fend off the regimented forces of life, and wouldn't if he could -- he's all about grabbing a bit of diversion while he can still enjoy it. The female Goat would be better off terminating this sorry attempt at a relationship and looking elsewhere for her security, which is why she so frequently does exactly that. The Tiger will be content with the enjoyment he had while it lasted.

4. Female Goat & Male Rabbit

The male Rabbit and the female Goat are very much the perfect mates for each other. They enjoy daydreaming together, and their unbridled fantasy life translates nicely into a rich and fulfilling sex life for this lucky couple. The Rabbit's habitual nervousness will be soothed by the Goat's attentions, while the Goat can count on the practical rabbit to make sure that all of the more mundane aspects of their shared life together are constantly kept in order.

The Achilles' heel of this relationship is the rare occasion when both the Rabbit and the Goat are upset simultaneously -- then it's a toss-up as to who will comfort who first, if at all. Most of the time, however, these two Signs are ideal for each other's emotional requirements.

5. Female Goat & Male Dragon

The male Dragon will sweep the female Goat off of her feet in the twinkling of an eye, but such a whirlwind courtship may leave dark lingering doubts deep in the Goat's consciousness. She will feel that she cannot place the faith that she needs to place in her partner in such a one as the fickle Dragon, and her instincts shall serve her correctly.

The flash and dazzle of this relationship will be grand while they last, but in the end the Goat will reach a point of commitment at the same time the Dragon begins to yawn and make motions towards the door. Both are in it for the short term, but for opposite reasons. Both parties would be better served to relegate this unfortunate incident to the storehouse of memory.

6. Female Goat & Male Snake

Both the male Snake and the female Goat despise the routines of ordinary life and prefer to break out of the ordinary once in a while. The Goat's imagination dovetails nicely with the Snake's accumulated knowledge. The male Snake will be able to slip away from shared activities that he considers superfluous or annoying, and the Goat will be none the wiser.

Any attempt on either partner to force the relationship into a straitjacket of strict rules and regulations will result in the psychological pressure building to an explosive head that will wreck everything. It is up to the Goat's ability to tone down her need for emotional reassurance, so that the Snake doesn't feel ensnared by something he feels is outside his control.

7. Female Goat & Male Horse

The male Horse is very much the rambunctious type, with energy to burn -- he is always sticking his head in where it may or may not be welcome, and apologizing afterwards if necessary. The female Goat is more than happy to go along for the ride, as she will appreciate the new vistas such experiences supply to fuel her imaginative faculties.

The problem lies in the Horse's essential self-centeredness -- he may not know when to give the Goat the extra reassurance hug she needs to cope with the stresses of life. If he won't be more forthcoming with his affections, the Goat may be forced to rely upon others for her security, and that could torpedo the relationship. All it will take is some attention to detail for these two to have a great time together.

8. Female Goat & Male Goat

These two individuals have a natural empathy with each other that allows them to communicate soul to soul, as it were. The male Goat and the female Goat understand each other's occasional need for a bit of private dream-time, and neither will be offended if the other wishes to retire. The cerebral dimension is greatly appreciated by these two patient members of the same Sign.

Unfortunately, someone is going to have to be responsible for the practical side of life, and neither person is going to come forward and volunteer, so some sort of rotating schedule will have to be ironed out between them. If the required responsibilities can be successfully allocated without too much friction, it should be smooth sailing from that point on.

9. Female Goat & Male Monkey

The female Goat and the male Monkey will never be bored with each other's company. With the Monkey's quick wit and the Goat's fervent imagination these two will never lack for things to do, and their physical mattress trysts will sparkle with erotic ingenuity. The male Monkey may not be able to provide as much reassurance as the female Goat will require, but their meeting of the minds will be too good to pass up.

These two Signs will be more than happy to overlook the few points of conflict in favor of a relationship that will outshine the stars themselves, and they are both bright enough not to tear it apart with unrealistic expectations. Truly this is a very good combination of personalities, and should last for a good long while.

10. Female Goat & Male Rooster

These two Signs have very little in common and cannot understand each other at all. The male Rooster is an extrovert with a brash outer core, while the female Goat is shrinking violet with the soul of a poetic librarian -- the personality conflict presents itself in the plainest terms.

Although the male Rooster will be able to support the female Goat financially, the female Goat will not be able to give the male Rooster the sort of unconditional praise that he needs to feel comfortable. He in his turn will not be nearly reassuring enough for the fragile Goat. She should take notes in bed for the purpose of surprising a more permanent lover in the future, but an increased erotic knowledge will be the Rooster's only keepsake left behind when he leaves for the far horizon.

11. Female Goat & Male Dog

The male Rabbit and the female Dog are honest, reliable and hardworking to a fault. They both appreciate security above all other considerations in the relationship, and since this is the case, will never let each other down. Together they can preserve their own little world free of malevolent intrusions, and when each is frightened of the unknown the other will immediately leap to reassure the delicate nerves of their intended.

On the rare occasions when the Dog is stirred to violence by an experience especially provoking, the Rabbit will be able to pour his oil over the troubled waters almost before anyone else can notice the altercation. Marriage is almost always a result of this relationship, and that right quickly.

12. Female Goat & Male Pig

The male Dog may not have what it takes to put the bizarre reveries of the female Goat into practice, which is really what she requires of a lover. His staunch assistance in keeping her in touch with reality will be alternately appreciated and despised by her in her frequent mood swings.

These two Signs should take great care, insofar as it is possible not to be depressed at the same time, or words may be exchanged that both will regret but that neither can retract. These cutting statements may serve to end the relationship before its appointed time. The male Dog and female Goat will have to learn to think happy thoughts once in a while to keep things on an even emotional keel for the sake of their precarious union.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Goat (for Male)

(For Male)

For those born in the following years :

1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 and 2003


The male Goat is a complete and utter family man, and you are a fun parent, if a bit on the irresponsible side -- your spouse will feel as though they had an extra son at times. You are highly sensitive and have a well-developed sense of aesthetics. You can be very fretful and indecisive, as you are at heart a very kind and gentle soul and are worried whenever placed in positions that burden you with undue authority.

You have a very good memory for facts, figures and dates. You may find yourself stymied by the simplest of obstacles unless you build up a reserve supply of gumption. Your reflective and gentle nature leads many people to underestimate you, much to their eventual chagrin once the race is run.

In Relationships

People born under the Sign of the Goat have a morbid fear of being left alone, whether for the night or for the rest of their lives. They are very family oriented people, and would love nothing better than a suitable and stable partner with which to settle down and raise a litter of children. If their current romantic interest does not like children or big families, then they just won't be right for the Goat.

Goats will give themselves entirely to the right person and will do everything they can to maintain a stable, loving, happy relationship. This doesn't, however, mean that they will allow themselves to be walked all over or taken advantage of. If their partner cheats on them, or otherwise doesn't play according to the rules, then hell hath no fury like a Goat scorned!

Likes and Dislikes

Goats are cultured people who prefer the sort of entertainments not patronized by those of the common crowd. The favorite colors of the Goat person are pink and purple, and their corresponding gemstones are moonstone, sapphire and jade. Goats like bathrobes, broaches, peppermint oil, seashells, being massaged and opera tickets. They are consummate sybarites and enjoy pampering themselves and their bodies.

They prefer to spend their leisure time reading, eating, drinking fine wines, swimming and watching movies. Goats dislike the feeling of being separated from all of their friends and loved ones -- they like to have the support of those close to them in their endeavors. They also dislike conflict of any sort, and are very good at dodging it completely whenever it may surface in their lives.

Compatibility with gals of different signs

1. Male Goat & Female Rat

The male Goat likes a spot of calm in which to pause and reflect, and he can often remain there for far longer than is necessary. The female Rat is there to yank him back to good old terra firma against his will. The Goat is wise enough to know that he needs this sort of hands-on treatment every now and then, and will not mind being prodded into action by his prosaic counterpart.

The female Rat in turn will be pleasantly surprised by the astonishing new perspectives the Goat can provide when he lets his mind wander, and these will in turn please her pragmatic soul no end. She will therefore withhold the rough side of her tongue, unless of course she's having a bad day. These two are circumspect enough to sweat out each other's bad patches. The prognosis for this couple is not good, but they may be tempted to give it a try anyway.

2. Male Goat & Female Ox

The male Goat is a timid soul who can only benefit from the big, bustling personality of the female Ox, full of life and twice as large. She will excel at taking care of the daily routine, which the Goat loathes. His mind will then be free to wander, and as long as he can remember to give credit where credit is due for his astonishing degree of intellectual freedom, he is home free.

The male Goat is smart enough to appreciate how good he has it with the female Ox, and she in turn will thrive beneath the grateful attentions he will lavish upon her in return. Neither should feel too threatened at the loss of a freedom that translates out to loneliness for them. These two should settle down to make a happy home for themselves posthaste.

3. Male Goat & Female Tiger

The male Goat places a premium on his orderly and comfortable environment. The female Tiger is far from tame, and will blow through his safe and sane existence like a tornado. This match may be good for the short term, but the long term will never work out.

She will be bored with him, and he, after his initial fascination wears off, will be exasperated at her habitual verve. A mutual dismissal of each other as childish is in the offing. These two can never learn to appreciate even the very little they have to offer each other, and it would be better for them if they had never met. Someday they will look back upon their abortive attempts at romance and laugh themselves silly at their youthful foray into folly.

4. Male Goat & Female Rabbit

This may turn out to be the best of all possible matches as both of these Signs have good taste and a love of luxuries in common. The male Goat's imaginative nature appeals to the female Rabbit's romantic side. The Rabbit, in return, provides a safe home environment that the Goat will thrive in, by having freedom to roam his intellectual corridors at will.

Sexually these two will have many new positions to teach each other, and will never grow bored in the bedroom. In difficult times, however, neither will be able to look to the other for courage and mutual romantic support, as both are anxious creatures. This will prove to be only a slight drawback in the great scheme of things, however, and the general prognosis for these two looks good.

5. Male Goat & Female Dragon

A lack of mutual understanding can blight the chances of connection between these two Signs, unless they both learn to accept and appreciate their differences. Alliances based upon friendship and trust will be more successful than more personal ones, as female Dragons can help the shy male Goat realize the potential of his dynamic creativity.

In the realm of sexual matters, the female Dragon can't help but be turned off by the male Goat's sweetness -- she's looking for someone with a little more of the barbarian in his make-up. Stable Goat will be upset by the Dragon's effect on his immediate surroundings, and will long for peace and quiet. These two Signs will not stay together for very long.

6. Male Goat & Female Snake

Both the male Goat and the female Snake love art, beauty and harmony. As long as life remains uncomplicated, these two will rarely have arguments, as it is too much trouble. Otherwise, the male Goat may find the female Snake too be too serious, while she weighs him in the balance and finds him lacking in gumption in return.

Whether this mutual irksomeness blooms into a full-fledged quarrel that can scuttle the relationship before it has even had a chance to weigh anchor and leave the harbor remains to be seen. It is a truism that couples get out of an affair what they put into it, and if these two put forth just a little effort, they can make it work. Otherwise it's splitsville for the happy pair.

7. Male Goat & Female Horse

The male Goat and the female Horse compliment each other by being that which the other lacks. The male Goat will feel secure with the female Horse, but the relationship will still manage to stay interesting enough to please the ever-dynamic Horse, as both of these Sins are unstable and irresponsible people who can't abide a regular routine.

The male Goat wanders in his mind, while the female Horse prefers her wanderings be executed in a more physical sense. As long as these two Signs can see that they are engaged in what are essentially the same pursuits via two different methods, they can use this similarity of temperament to cement what can prove to be a very long-lasting relationship.

8. Male Goat & Female Goat

These two individuals have a natural empathy with each other that allows them to communicate soul to soul, as it were. The male Goat and the female Goat understand each other's occasional need for a bit of private dream-time, and neither will be offended if the other wishes to retire. The cerebral dimension is greatly appreciated by these two patient members of the same Sign.

Unfortunately, someone is going to have to be responsible for the practical side of life, and neither person is going to come forward and volunteer, so some sort of rotating schedule will have to be ironed out between them. If the required responsibilities can be successfully allocated without too much friction, it should be smooth sailing from that point on.

9. Male Goat & Female Monkey

The female Monkey is sharp as a tack and uses her brainpower to more fully enjoy life, a quest to which the male Goat as partner is most suitably adapted. The two will serve to tempt each other to new experiences and pleasures, primarily related to travel opportunities.

The Monkey will easily determine the Goat's likes and dislikes and will play upon these to get her own way most of the time, but the Goat will feel more secure because of all the attention paid to him and won't really mind this hands-on approach to the relationship on her part. He may feel some uneasiness at her desires for independent downtime every now and then, but if the two are comfortable together it is doubtful that either would ever feel the need to disrupt their shared bliss.

10. Male Goat & Female Rooster

The male Goat can derive a great deal of satisfaction from waltzing about the room in the female Rooster's shared spotlight, but in the end he will desire a greater comfort quotient than she is prepared to allow him. She is also highly unlikely to allow him equal billing past a certain point in this relationship -- the old bait and switch routine.

The male Goat needs time and space to dream his dreams and put them into action, and the female Rooster will want to be on the go constantly, which will prove divisive. This basic conflict between the mental Goat and the physical Rooster is the unfortunate flaw at the heart of the gem. It is unlikely that these two will see this combination through to any sort of successful conclusion.

11. Male Goat & Female Dog

Both of these Signs will have a craving for new and exciting shared experiences, but the cautious nature of the female Dog will lead her to back off long before the male Goat is tired of dreaming up new schemes to implement. He can be carried away sometimes by his own extravagance, which is why she is important to his life -- the Dog helps to keep the Goat's feet in touch with the ground.

Synchronized depression can be a hazard for these two moody types, as if this occurs there will be no one to raise both of their spirits, and the resultant tandem sulk could have unpleasant divisive effects on an already tenuous situation. An effort to look on the sunny side of life could be just what the situation demands -- otherwise this couple could be a wash.

12. Male Goat & Female Pig

The male Goat and the female Pig will be more than happy to give each other the space to pursue their own interests, without being so distant that the relationship self-destructs in the starting gate. Both of these aesthetically gifted individuals appreciate the finer things in life and the arts and will find much to praise in each other's company.

The female Pig is a fount of advice that may help to bring the male Goat back to reality once in a while, while he, in turn, can give her a broader perspective and keep their shared life interesting. The Goat's occasional fits of temper, whether justified or not, can be calmed by the cheerful and pragmatic Pig, and she can always provoke a smile. This duo can be very healthy for each other, which explains its durability in the face of time.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Rabbit (for Female)

RABBIT (For Female)

For those born in the following years :

1951, 1963, 1975, 1987 and 1999


The female of the Rabbit Sign is a very ambiguous personality indeed. You are good at being the perfect hostess, and prefer company to being alone. This having been said, the best part of having company for you is that they must eventually leave and you can be left to your own devices -- no desire to have a large family on your part, as your mothering impulse is atrophied, for better or worse.

You are naturally elegant in all matters of style, dress and manners. You have a very acid tongue, and are fond of humor verging upon insult. Your tender, wistful nature is stiffened by your determination to provide yourself with the material necessities of life. You excel in the mental manipulation of others to serve your own ends.

In Relationships

The Rabbit lover would never dream of wearing his heart on his sleeve. The Rabbit seems aloof, yet underneath is sensual and loving - a tough facade protects a tender interior. Rabbit folk are romantic yet realistic, generous yet mercenary. Rabbits are, whether male or female, completely in tune with the feminine part of their psyche.

Their mothering instinct compels them to nurture others, and they have an innate love of home and family. They will eschew casual romantic connections in favor of someone serious, and don't mind waiting for a very long time for just the right person to turn up. Their highly selective natures can cause them to miss the boat sometimes, and it is important for them to learn how to compromise on their desires.

Likes and Dislikes

Rabbits are generally very cozy and quiet people who like to stay at home nights with a good friend or a good book. The favorite color of the Rabbit person is pale green, and their corresponding gemstones are crystal and pearl. Rabbits like good music, fine wines, fabrics of all kinds, and recreational artwork. Their favorite pastimes include writing poetry, hiking, pottering about in the garden, and chatting with friends.

Rabbits dislike having their daily routines disrupted for any reason, and in general have a healthy distrust for disorganization in all of its many forms. Rabbits are very sensitive about their personal space, and dislike the sort of people who indulge in casual contact at the moment of greeting. They cannot stand the idea of kissing their hellos!

Compatibility with guys of different signs

1. Female Rabbit & Male Rat

Female Rabbits are peace-loving entities, and the energy of the male Rate in pursuit of his narrow goals may upset his intended's sense of interpersonal harmony. Rabbits that can't jump to the Rat's tune may find themselves in for the sort of vicious tongue-lashing that they really don't bear up well underneath.

The male Rat may wish to keep the couple together under his absolute authority, but the female Rabbit may be unsettled by the intensity of his pursuit and refuse the engagement. The Rat pursues and the Rabbit retreats, until both are convinced that they are wasting each other's time with a relationship that never was. This pairing is probably not the best idea that either of these two mismatched personalities ever had.

2. Female Rabbit & Male Ox

Both of these characters appreciate the positive benefits of a comfortable home environment. The male Ox and the female Rabbit are most alike in that they value dependability, safety and security over anything else -- and especially over the sort of emotional histrionics that most couples are heir to.

The Rabbit can easily persuade the frequently stubborn Ox in to sharing her viewpoint on nearly any aspect of the relationship, and in such a way so as not offend his pride as well. The Ox in his turn provides a rock of stability upon which the couple can rely in times of stress, both spiritual and material. The prognosis of this match is very good -- it is to be greatly encouraged by all concerned.

3. Female Rabbit & Male Tiger

The male Tiger and the female Rabbit share a sense of adventure, but the Tiger is willing to go several shades beyond where the Rabbit would prefer to stop and acquire a sense of perspective. Both of these Signs would benefit from a steady love partner, but neither will prove to be what the other desperately needs. Without a personal anchor, the Tiger is lost.

The question will be whether the Rabbit is able to provide him with a home life enticing enough to counterbalance the joys of roaming about. If she can do this, the Tiger will not mind the constraints on his freedom, and instead will devote his not inconsiderable charms towards the perpetuation of a happy home life, which is the cornerstone of success for this ambivalent couple.

4. Female Rabbit & Male Rabbit

The happy conjunction of two members of the Rabbit Sign promises unlimited harmony, peace and prosperity for both parties. No fiery arguments here -- these two like to keep everything on an even keel and run a tight and dignified household. They consider discord beneath them, and will do their best to smooth any ruffled fur that may arise.

The two Rabbits will attempt to retreat from an unpleasant world into a safe environment of their own making, but they should keep one eye on the skies of reality so as not to be caught unawares by any horrific eventuality that may arise to threaten their artificial paradise. Few couples are so well matched as this one, and it will only strengthen as time passes.

5. Female Rabbit & Male Dragon

This just won't work -- these two Signs are very different in temperament and outlook, and will not succeed in bridging their vast interpersonal gap. The female rabbit prefers a stable, safe, orderly existence that will present itself as the ultimate in boredom to the go-go Dragon man. The Dragon, in turn, serves merely to upset the Rabbit's regimented life with his constant comings and goings, events and premieres.

Stormy emotional dialogues are the Dragon's stock in trade, and no matter how handsome he may be, his tirades will soon alienate the understanding Rabbit nature. Soon she'll be trying to figure out methods of making him go instead of methods to make him stay. This is a bad match that should be abandoned as soon as possible.

6. Female Rabbit & Male Snake

The male Snake may soon grow frustrated at his mismatched companion's aura of practicality, while the female Rabbit will in turn experience dismay at her partner's divergences into realms of pure fancy. The Rabbit will feel threatened at her basic level of security, and will react by nagging the Snake into toeing the line.

Nagging is never a good strategy, and in this instance will chivvy the mind-proud Snake into denouncing her as his intellectual inferior and slamming the door on his way out to the nearest Mensa meeting to cruise for a new squeeze. The female Rabbit would be better off with a man who shares her material concerns with regard to the future. The male Snake's disregard for their shared future is indeed the cause of this couple's quick collapse.

7. Female Rabbit & Male Horse

The male Horse and the female Rabbit are capable of a great deal of shared affection. The Horse is a very physical Sign, and will serve to protect and titillate the Rabbit to no end, thus satisfying her great need for a secure and happy home life, as well as regular dosages of sex. The Rabbit in turn will provide the Horse with a safe haven in which to recharge his batteries after his vibrant assaults on life.

The male Horse's raging passions will serve to boost the female Rabbit's fragile ego. Good examples abound here, if eyes will only be opened and see. These two widely disparate characters are very good for each other, and they should stick together as long as they can stand the taste of each other's beneficial medicine.

8. Female Rabbit & Male Goat

The male Tiger requires the freedom of his emotions in order to enjoy life, while the female Goat also requires her own brand of freedom -- the freedom of the intellect. But she also needs a firm place to stand and confront the world on her own terms, and the Tiger is not going to provide the stability she needs.

The Tiger doesn't know how to fend off the regimented forces of life, and wouldn't if he could -- he's all about grabbing a bit of diversion while he can still enjoy it. The female Goat would be better off terminating this sorry attempt at a relationship and looking elsewhere for her security, which is why she so frequently does exactly that. The Tiger will be content with the enjoyment he had while it lasted.

9. Female Rabbit & Male Monkey

The devious male Monkey may by his very nature bring out the worst side of the cunning female Rabbit in what amounts to emotional self-defense against his constant barrage of cutting witticisms. This couple may not be able to go the distance romantically, as the Monkey will find the Rabbit's company somewhat dull, while the Rabbit in turn will require someone more supportive.

When the Monkey gets bored and decides to see what's around the next bend in the road of life, he'll ditch the female Rabbit without a second thought. She probably at that point will be happy to be out from under his scathing gaze. This couple just was not meant to be in the great scheme of things, and neither party will take events too much to heart.

10. Female Rabbit & Male Rooster

On no account should these two Signs attempt any sort of serious relationship. The male Rooster's tendency to voice criticism without thinking beforehand will send the female Rabbit running in no time, while in return she will prove unsympathetic to his problems, which she will view as essentially trivial.

This lack of respect for what he will see as major setbacks will not encourage the male Rooster to stick around and work to salvage things. These two fail to see each other as viable personalities all around, and maybe they both need a little more time to grow as people before committing, at least to each other. They each desire what the other lacks, and nowhere is this lack felt more keenly than in the bedroom after hours. The match is fated to end badly.

11. Female Rabbit & Male Dog

Both the male Dog and the female Rabbit appreciate a stable home life, and will work hard to establish one together. They are each the type that mates for life, and both will persevere in allowing the relationship to find its own level. Any anxiety attacks in the middle of the night will be quickly soothed, and both will achieve new levels of calm decisiveness through their mutually strengthening association with each other.

When his temper bursts forth, she will be able to smooth down his raised hackles before he causes any trouble for himself. It is not a question of whether these two will get married, but when they will do so, and whether there will be a cash bar at the reception or free drinks all around to celebrate the joyous occasion.

12. Female Rabbit & Male Pig

The male Pig and the female Rabbit have a shared approach that they use to make their relationship worthwhile in each other's eyes, and it works wonders in term of emotional viability. Both of these Signs like a trouble-free environment, and if he should want to step out of an evening, she won't mind as long as she isn't woken up at an unreasonable hour by his return.

The female Rabbit is a fount of good common sense, and her first rule is not to fix something that isn't broken. She doesn't exactly enjoy going to bat for the foibles of her partner, but she is willing to do so when the need arises and has the skill to extract the male Pig from any situation he might stumble into on his own initiative. These two Signs make an excellent couple, and manage to get along like a house on fire in the process.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Rabbit (for Male)

RABBIT (For Male)

For those born in the following years :

1951, 1963, 1975, 1987 and 1999


The male Rabbit can very well be in touch with his feminine side, but this does not make you effeminate. Tradition has it that you are tidy and well dressed, a bit on the superficial side and intensely interested in cultural pursuits. You are also a very good listener. While keen on the horizontal arts, you are not particularly interested in fathering children.

Your inborn sense of style is all that prevents you from becoming a fashion victim in the worst way. While frugal in the purchase of the bare necessities, you can be a bit of a spendthrift when it comes to the luxury purchases necessary to sustain your interest in life. All in all, you are quite content with the way things are going for you -- except that you can get fed up once in a great while.

In Relationships

The Rabbit lover would never dream of wearing his heart on his sleeve. The Rabbit seems aloof, yet underneath is sensual and loving - a tough facade protects a tender interior. Rabbit folk are romantic yet realistic, generous yet mercenary. Rabbits are, whether male or female, completely in tune with the feminine part of their psyche.

Their mothering instinct compels them to nurture others, and they have an innate love of home and family. They will eschew casual romantic connections in favor of someone serious, and don't mind waiting for a very long time for just the right person to turn up. Their highly selective natures can cause them to miss the boat sometimes, and it is important for them to learn how to compromise on their desires.

Likes and Dislikes

Rabbits are generally very cozy and quiet people who like to stay at home nights with a good friend or a good book. The favorite color of the Rabbit person is pale green, and their corresponding gemstones are crystal and pearl. Rabbits like good music, fine wines, fabrics of all kinds, and recreational artwork. Their favorite pastimes include writing poetry, hiking, pottering about in the garden, and chatting with friends.

Rabbits dislike having their daily routines disrupted for any reason, and in general have a healthy distrust for disorganization in all of its many forms. Rabbits are very sensitive about their personal space, and dislike the sort of people who indulge in casual contact at the moment of greeting. They cannot stand the idea of kissing their hellos!

Compatibility with gals of different signs

1. Male Rabbit & Female Rat

The male Rabbit may feel threatened in his maleness by the female Rat's quick and easy assumption of the superior position in the relationship of these two Signs. The female Rat's strong sense of goals and drive to attain them may seem off-putting to the more prosaic Rabbit, as well as her intensity of emotion -- even if devoted to him, she may only serve to frighten him away with what he considers her overly-demonstrative behavior.

The Rat in turn may become contemptuous of her reluctant significant other and subject him to the cruel whip of her interpersonal judgment, which can leave scars on the tender Rabbit soul that time won't heal. These two are better off finding partners that are more appropriate to each other's level.

2. Male Rabbit & Female Ox

These two Signs are made for each other, as both are decidedly the marrying kind and will gleefully escort each other straight to the nearest altar. The male Rabbit is very much a creature of routine, and the solid and dependable female Ox will confirm him in his view of a regular reality. She will be more than happy to handle the household accounts, and in all respects keep their conjoined lives running like a Swiss watch.

True, the two may end up in a bit of a rut, especially in bed after hours, but neither Sign is exactly what one might call a creature of novelty, and these two see reassurance where others might discern the ugly specter of monotony. The two can rely on each other, and that alone trumps any number of fancy declarations of intent for them.

3. Male Rabbit & Female Tiger

The male Rabbit prefers a regular home environment -- which is precisely what the flamboyant female Tiger is not going to provide for him in any reliable quantity. The female Tiger may provide the male Rabbit with new and exciting experiences, both in and out of bed, but these will prove to be short-lived, as his regular habits conspire to bore her to tears.

By the time she is convinced it's better to leave, the male Rabbit will be glad of a chance to catch his breath. These two just have too many differences for it to work out, but that doesn't mean they'll end up hating each other. This is not one for the ages, but it will be fun while it lasts, and the Rabbit at least will brag about it for years afterward.

4. Male Rabbit & Female Rabbit

The happy conjunction of two members of the Rabbit Sign promises unlimited harmony, peace and prosperity for both parties. No fiery arguments here -- these two like to keep everything on an even keel and run a tight and dignified household. They consider discord beneath them, and will do their best to smooth any ruffled fur that may arise.

The two Rabbits will attempt to retreat from an unpleasant world into a safe environment of their own making, but they should keep one eye on the skies of reality so as not to be caught unawares by any horrific eventuality that may arise to threaten their artificial paradise. Few couples are so well matched as this one, and it will only strengthen as time passes.

5. Male Rabbit & Female Dragon

The male Rabbit requires a security blanket composed of equal parts affection and calm in order to be at ease, and he will probably not find any of this in the female Dragon, who is by temperament inclined to upset all extant order solely to please her own sense of entertainment. The Rabbit will not be able to exercise the control over his own emotional environment that he has come to take for granted, and this will operate to make him unduly anxious.

The Dragon will chew him up and spit him out in chunks -- she's just too much for him, in life as in bed, and he won't be able to keep up. To the Rabbit's credit, he will be well aware of this imbalance, and take steps to end this mismatched liaison before it goes too far for comfort.

6. Male Rabbit & Female Snake

Both the male Rabbit and the female Snake prefer to cuddle together in their secret safe corner, away from the toils of daily life. In their cozy nest they will feel free enough to explore the depths of each other's sensuality, and will reap rich rewards doing so. The Snake will be more inclined to arrange parties for some of their friends on a regular basis in order to avoid complete social stagnation, and the Rabbit will grow accustomed to this level of interaction.

The Rabbit may be occasionally annoyed with the Snake's forays into novelty, but these will be kept to minimum, and generally these two personalities are quite well adapted to each other's company. These two make a very strong couple that should last for some time.

7. Male Rabbit & Female Horse

The male Rabbit and the female Horse can get along quite well together. The female Horse is full of excitement and spontaneous passion, and the male Rabbit has his ego stroked and flattered by her vibrant displays of obvious affection -- not to mention his physical needs amply satisfied after hours.

The Rabbit needs this sort of attention in order to satisfy his security needs, and this reassurance is exactly what the rampant desires of the Horse deliver to him. The Rabbit stands in awe and envy of his partner's evident energy, while the Horse can rely on the Rabbit to always be there for her when times are tough. These two Signs support each other beautifully, in a match destined to go the distance.

8. Male Rabbit & Female Goat

The male Rabbit and the female Goat are very much the perfect mates for each other. They enjoy daydreaming together, and their unbridled fantasy life translates nicely into a rich and fulfilling sex life for this lucky couple. The Rabbit's habitual nervousness will be soothed by the Goat's attentions, while the Goat can count on the practical rabbit to make sure that all of the more mundane aspects of their shared life together are constantly kept in order.

The Achilles' heel of this relationship is the rare occasion when both the Rabbit and the Goat are upset simultaneously -- then it's a toss-up as to who will comfort who first, if at all. Most of the time, however, these two Signs are ideal for each other's emotional requirements.

9. Male Rabbit & Female Monkey

The male Rabbit is by far the quieter and more reserved of these two, which allows the female Monkey to take the lead when it comes to this interesting combination of personalities. The Rabbit can develop a keen grasp of the Monkey's emotional strategies that will enable it to counteract policy from time to time and occasionally put its two cents in when decision-making time rolls around.

Rabbit man can also issue an emergency veto when it's plain that Monkey woman's antics will result in destroying the relationship if left unchecked. The Rabbit provides perspective that the Monkey lacks, and as long as his patience holds out, these two could actually manage to make it work for quite some time.

10. Male Rabbit & Female Rooster

The male Rabbit may not be able to deal with the boundless energy of the female Rooster. The Rabbit is a Sign of peace and quiet, and the Rooster's ebullient self-promotion can serve to shatter the tranquility that the Rabbit has surrounded himself with by choice. From the other perspective, the female Rooster may wonder what she's doing wasting her precious time on some boring stick-in-the-mud as the Rabbit appears to be.

The chances of this attempted match working out are slim to none -- each will regard the other as a species of idiot, and will break camp sooner rather than later to find someone whose mental and emotional levels more closely resemble their own. Each of these Signs is a living refutation of the lifestyle of the other -- they could never match up.

11. Male Rabbit & Female Dog

The male Rabbit and the female Dog are honest, reliable and hardworking to a fault. They both appreciate security above all other considerations in the relationship, and since this is the case, will never let each other down. Together they can preserve their own little world free of malevolent intrusions, and when each is frightened of the unknown the other will immediately leap to reassure the delicate nerves of their intended.

On the rare occasions when the Dog is stirred to violence by an experience especially provoking, the Rabbit will be able to pour his oil over the troubled waters almost before anyone else can notice the altercation. Marriage is almost always a result of this relationship, and that right quickly.

12. Male Rabbit & Female Pig

The male Rabbit and the female Pig have a stately and decorous approach to crafting the relationship of their dreams, and they generally succeed in remaining together for the duration. Both of these Signs prefer peace and quiet, and if the female Pig likes to go out on the town a bit more often than the stay-at-home Rabbit, it is perfectly all right with him -- he won't get bent out of shape.

The sensible Rabbit isn't going to make a mountain out of a molehill, and should the Pig get into some sort of trouble, the Rabbit can usually jury-rig a solution in no time. These two enjoy their alone time to a great extent, and share a quirky sense of humor. Despite the odd annoyance, there is no better pair to be found in the Chinese Zodiac.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Tiger (for Female)

TIGER (For Female)

For those born in the following years :

1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, and 1998


The female Tiger can be a big pussycat unless she is confronted or bored. You cannot abide a sterile situation, and will move to greener pastures if the least little obstacle presents itself. You prefer to travel rather than settle down, as you like to keep your own counsel and remain independent. Your life is one of adventure, due primarily to a tragically short attention span.

When you love it is with great intensity and ferocity, but against boredom even the gods (and goddesses) contend in vain, so that nothing is ever forever with you. You have a mighty spirit, and are intelligent and beautiful, with a sharp and incisive wit and great rhetorical talent, but you take offense too easily and thereby create many enemies for yourself.

In Relationships

Tigers are incredibly sexy people, beautiful to most people and sensually romantic. They are spontaneous lovers who never lose their creative spark or flare for an evening of passion. They offer their partner a hint of danger and exhibit a curiosity for the unknown. Due to these obvious romantic virtues, Tigers are never in want of company on a weekend night.

The trouble arises when Tigers feel the need to settle down. They will have a hard time convincing their former acquaintances of the sincerity of their intentions and actions with regard to eventual marriage! But it is important to remember that no one can remain a player forever in the social scene, and Tigers are no exception to this general rule.

Likes and Dislikes

Tiger people are balls of energy and really enjoy being out about engaged in any sort of recreational physical activity. The favorite color of Tigers is green, and their corresponding gemstones are ruby and topaz. They like cookbooks, travel guides, sporting equipment, mystery novels and the odd game of football. They also enjoy parties, amateur dramatics, and vacations in exotic locales.

Some of the things that Tiger people could do without are, first and foremost, not getting enough recognition for their efforts on the behalf of others -- they hate being passed over, especially for others who they may consider to be inferior! They also don't like being made to feel inferior to others, and they especially dislike rude people. They will go to great pains to avoid those they consider impolite!

Compatibility with guys of different signs

1. Female Tiger & Male Rat

The male Rat is fond of change, but not perhaps to the extent that the female Tiger will be willing to provide it. Both of these Signs are bored with any sort of humdrum routine, but the Tiger will seek methods of entertainment that may make the more conservative and cautious Rat feel abandoned -- and not in a good way, either.

The Tiger may be fooling about with a situation that the Rat regards as altogether more serious, and when both are apprised of each other's motives for their pairing, an immediate falling-out may be the result. It is important for these two would-be lovers to keep the lines of communication open. If they can understand each other at the outset, these two might just decide to simply enjoy their single night of bliss.

2. Female Tiger & Male Ox

The male Ox needs to watch out for the female Tiger's more disruptive antics every step of the way in order to keep this relationship a viable concern. The Tiger injects a stimulating sense of surprise into the staid male Ox's orderly and calm life, and for that he is thankful, but too many surprises will come to be viewed as a disruption of the routine, and that the Ox cannot stand.

The Tiger may find herself a bit bored by her stuffy companion, and take to other methods of keeping her heart occupied -- other partners, too. If this occurs the two will be better off calling it quits. But if the male Ox's patience is up to the task, a bit of flirtatious fun on the part of his woman will not place undue strain on the relationship.

3. Female Tiger & Male Tiger

The addition of the male Tiger to the already rambunctious female Tiger is like adding nitro to glycerin -- an explosion is only waiting to happen, and will as soon as any sources of friction are discovered. This shouldn't take long -- Tigers are very volatile personalities, and a relationship doesn't leave either party with as much room for maneuver as either would prefer.

Every day is new bundle of experiences, rife with surprise for these two, and each will have a different solution. In nature, Tigers are very solitary and territorial creatures that rarely allow others of the same species to share their personal space, and the Chinese sages named this human personality type after this particular animal for a very good reason. These two will whirl apart under their own momentum.

4. Female Tiger & Male Rabbit

The male Rabbit prefers a regular home environment -- which is precisely what the flamboyant female Tiger is not going to provide for him in any reliable quantity. The female Tiger may provide the male Rabbit with new and exciting experiences, both in and out of bed, but these will prove to be short-lived, as his regular habits conspire to bore her to tears.

By the time she is convinced it's better to leave, the male Rabbit will be glad of a chance to catch his breath. These two just have too many differences for it to work out, but that doesn't mean they'll end up hating each other. This is not one for the ages, but it will be fun while it lasts, and the Rabbit at least will brag about it for years afterward.

5. Female Tiger & Male Dragon

These two Signs will get along famously. The male Dragon has the right stuff to keep the female Tiger from getting bored, and the two will sweep each other to ever-increasing heights of diversion and novelty. The Tiger in turn can use her natural grace and agility to keep a happy and satisfied Dragon from straying too far from her side.

Each will wink at the other's occasional lapses from the straight and narrow path of fidelity -- after all, each knows how it is for people with excess charisma and insatiable desires. Their bedroom antics will be marvels of gymnastic excess -- someone should sell tickets. This relationship of sorts should last as long as both parties are cognizant of its official existence.

6. Female Tiger & Male Snake

This match may prove to be somewhat disjointed, as here we have the disparate conjunction of a cerebral nature with a most physical nature indeed. The male Snake will be frantic to get his partner to sit down and listen once in a while, but the female Tiger is constitutionally incapable of pursuing the sedentary arts for any length of time.

Without patience and caring on both sides, an exasperated Snake will finally wave goodbye, good luck and good riddance to his bored partner, who in turn will make a beeline straight to the nearest scene of action. If this relationship is to succeed, each partner will have to try very hard to understand the other's alien needs, and respect them for what they are. If they can recognize each other as equals, there is a chance, albeit slim, for permanence here.

7. Female Tiger & Male Horse

The male Horse and the female Tiger are two intensely physical Signs, and will share the same penchant for strenuous activity, as long as it's the fun kind and not the work kind. They will resemble two children at play, and both may be surprised to find that one day they will wake up in love with each other. Whether these two can stay that way depends upon the amount of emotional interplay these two.

If they can develop a more mature appreciation of what a relationship stands for, as opposed to treating it as a convenient carnival for amusement purposes only, then it could prove to have lasting benefits. If not, then each may learn something for when they finally do grow up. A constant sense of fun may wind up being its only reward.

8. Female Tiger & Male Goat

The male Goat places a premium on his orderly and comfortable environment. The female Tiger is far from tame, and will blow through his safe and sane existence like a tornado. This match may be good for the short term, but the long term will never work out.

She will be bored with him, and he, after his initial fascination wears off, will be exasperated at her habitual verve. A mutual dismissal of each other as childish is in the offing. These two can never learn to appreciate even the very little they have to offer each other, and it would be better for them if they had never met. Someday they will look back upon their abortive attempts at romance and laugh themselves silly at their youthful foray into folly.

9. Female Tiger & Male Monkey

The male Monkey and the female Tiger are both extremely competitive people and neither knows the meaning of the word "compromise." The resultant challenge these two ego cases present to each other may prove to be too fascinating for them to resist giving it the old college try, no matter what advice they may receive to the contrary. The Monkey may secretly admire the Tiger but will be unable to resist poking fun at her.

The Tiger will of course retaliate in kind, and the relationship could very well spiral downwards into destruction from that point on. Unless there is an abundance of love in the male Monkey's heart and some moderation on the female Tiger's part, this couple is fated to fall apart sooner rather than later.

10. Female Tiger & Male Rooster

While initially promising, this combination of the male Rooster and the female Tiger will be unlikely to last very long -- in fact, they will be hard pressed to amount to more than a pair of good friends. They have a great many characteristics in common, but will quickly fall into misunderstanding what each other can do to contribute to a relationship.

Constant criticism on the part of both participants does little save to hurry things along to their inevitable disastrous grand finale. The female Tiger is hardly a creature of the intellect, and she may be unable to see the thoughtful nature lurking behind the male Rooster's swaggering facade. All the indicators on this match point solely to a negative outcome for all concerned.

11. Female Tiger & Male Dog

The male Dog prefers to test the ground beneath every footstep and agonize about every decision, no matter how trivial or pointless it may seem. He will serve as a sort of "distant early warning" system for his trigger-happy consort, as the female Tiger likes to just lea into the fray and damn the consequences.

She will be thankful for his advice, as proof that she can count upon his unconditional support in all areas of life, no matter what mistakes she may make along the way with her headstrong tactics. The Dog in turn will allow her the appearance of control. As long he keeps getting the Tiger's exuberant displays of physical affection on a regular basis, the male Dog will be eminently satisfied with the way things have worked out.

12. Female Tiger & Male Pig

The Pig and the Tiger are almost the same person once one penetrates past the surface differences. The male Pig accepts the female Tiger's occasional departures from the nest and will learn in time to control his jealousy regarding her whereabouts -- if he doesn't, and starts to obsess, this relationship will vanish in the twinkling of an eye.

He needs to be made to understand that she will never stray far because she's too fond of his sense of humor and bright cheerful outlook to ever fall for anyone else. The male Pig may even convince the female Tiger to start a family somewhere down the line -- a truly remarkable feat. This is a comfortable union that will extend itself indefinitely with a little forbearance on both sides.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Tiger (for Male)

TIGER (For Male)

For those born in the following years :

1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, and 1998


The Tiger male is essentially peaceful until aroused by continued mistreatment. You are very strong-willed, with a concomitant absolute belief in your own eventual success -- you ooze self-assurance from every pore. This may come in handy, as your sense of personal ambition is strong indeed and you will not rest until you've achieved fame and fortune, power and recognition from others.

You are quick to take the lead, due primarily to your willingness to risk all on a throw of the dice. Unless you yourself are in a position of authority, you are an outspoken critic of those in positions of authority. You are a champion of the oppressed, a supporter of the weak, and, somewhat paradoxically some might say, an accomplished and passionate lover.

In Relationships

Tigers are incredibly sexy people, beautiful to most people and sensually romantic. They are spontaneous lovers who never lose their creative spark or flare for an evening of passion. They offer their partner a hint of danger and exhibit a curiosity for the unknown. Due to these obvious romantic virtues, Tigers are never in want of company on a weekend night.

The trouble arises when Tigers feel the need to settle down. They will have a hard time convincing their former acquaintances of the sincerity of their intentions and actions with regard to eventual marriage! But it is important to remember that no one can remain a player forever in the social scene, and Tigers are no exception to this general rule.

Likes and Dislikes

Tiger people are balls of energy and really enjoy being out about engaged in any sort of recreational physical activity. The favorite color of Tigers is green, and their corresponding gemstones are ruby and topaz. They like cookbooks, travel guides, sporting equipment, mystery novels and the odd game of football. They also enjoy parties, amateur dramatics, and vacations in exotic locales.

Some of the things that Tiger people could do without are, first and foremost, not getting enough recognition for their efforts on the behalf of others -- they hate being passed over, especially for others who they may consider to be inferior! They also don't like being made to feel inferior to others, and they especially dislike rude people. They will go to great pains to avoid those they consider impolite!

Compatibility with gals of different signs

1. Male Tiger & Female Rat

The male Tiger may lap into the life of the female Rat and bowl her off her feet with an exciting weekend, but that may be all she can take -- or all that he is willing to provide until his restless feet lead him elsewhere. The Rat can be very keen on new experiences, but the Tiger's zest for novelty will far outstrip anything she may have been expecting.

In the end, the Rat may become annoyed with the Tiger's lack of attention to detail and cavalier attitude towards material prosperity, which are subjects dear to her heart. The Tiger may in his turn grow bored with a relationship that demands too much of his limited attention span. This combination of personalities may prove to be more trouble than it is worth -- which is why neither will take much trouble maintaining it.

2. Male Tiger & Female Ox

The male Tiger is a big kitten at heart -- all antics and play. But the female Ox may very well refuse to be his ball of string. She'll spend a long period of time quietly waiting for him to grow up and out of it, and when she finally realizes that it's just in the way he's made, she may be too tired to change routines.

Exhaustion will determine the course of this relationship -- when both parties run out of fuel, it's over. In her case the fuel is patience; in his case it's rampant hedonism. One will tame the other, but when the battle is won, the victor may question what he or she has gained in such a victory. The remaining spoils may prove not to have been worth the bloodshed, or sufficient to keep this couple together after all.

3. Male Tiger & Female Tiger

The male Ox needs to watch out for the female Tiger's more disruptive antics every step of the way in order to keep this relationship a viable concern. The Tiger injects a stimulating sense of surprise into the staid male Ox's orderly and calm life, and for that he is thankful, but too many surprises will come to be viewed as a disruption of the routine, and that the Ox cannot stand.

The Tiger may find herself a bit bored by her stuffy companion, and take to other methods of keeping her heart occupied -- other partners, too. If this occurs the two will be better off calling it quits. But if the male Ox's patience is up to the task, a bit of flirtatious fun on the part of his woman will not place undue strain on the relationship.

4. Male Tiger & Female Rabbit

The male Tiger and the female Rabbit share a sense of adventure, but the Tiger is willing to go several shades beyond where the Rabbit would prefer to stop and acquire a sense of perspective. Both of these Signs would benefit from a steady love partner, but neither will prove to be what the other desperately needs. Without a personal anchor, the Tiger is lost.

The question will be whether the Rabbit is able to provide him with a home life enticing enough to counterbalance the joys of roaming about. If she can do this, the Tiger will not mind the constraints on his freedom, and instead will devote his not inconsiderable charms towards the perpetuation of a happy home life, which is the cornerstone of success for this ambivalent couple.

5. Male Tiger & Female Dragon

This is a highly combustible pairing, as both the male Tiger and the female Dragon are creatures filled to bursting with raw energy. Balance is required at all times between their enthusiasms and their projects, for if one comes to dominate too obviously or for too long, the other will exercise its walking veto. The question is not whether to stretch and explore, but what, where, when and how to do so.

Disagreements as to method can be smoothed over by the fact that both parties will be too busy having a good time to remember any stumbling blocks along the path to shared joy. These two will have a lot to laugh about, and as long as neither becomes too moody or possessive, they should have a great deal time in which to laugh as well.

6. Male Tiger & Female Snake

The male Tiger is keen on fighting for what he believes, and as soon as possible. The female Snake, on the other hand, requires a great deal of time to decide precisely what she does believe in, and then even more to decide what to do about her beliefs -- she is prone to discard them as they become inconvenient. The Tiger's inconvenience may also result in his swift obsolescence in the Snake's eyes.

The Snake has no time to rein in the impetuous Tiger, and will sooner break off what appears to be an unpromising engagement. The Tiger will not be the sort to change his stripes, either. In the end this proposed match should remain theoretical -- which is best for both of the parties concerned, as it would never have worked out.

7. Male Tiger & Female Horse

The male Tiger and the female Horse are equally interested in new experiences and diverting antics. They will tumble over each other in their excitement at sampling everything the world has to offer, urging each other on to new feats of novelty. This may make for grand fun, but is it enough to establish a relationship of the heart?

That depends upon the hearts involved, and neither the Tiger nor the Horse is very sentimental. If it isn't broke, don't fix it, true, but if either of these characters is looking for something a bit more fulfilling in their personal life, they'll break the fun deal and seek elsewhere for their heart's desire. It may be a question of maturity versus a question of commitment for both of these unrepentant hedonists.

8. Male Tiger & Female Goat

The male Tiger requires the freedom of his emotions in order to enjoy life, while the female Goat also requires her own brand of freedom -- the freedom of the intellect. But she also needs a firm place to stand and confront the world on her own terms, and the Tiger is not going to provide the stability she needs.

The Tiger doesn't know how to fend off the regimented forces of life, and wouldn't if he could -- he's all about grabbing a bit of diversion while he can still enjoy it. The female Goat would be better off terminating this sorry attempt at a relationship and looking elsewhere for her security, which is why she so frequently does exactly that. The Tiger will be content with the enjoyment he had while it lasted.

9. Male Tiger & Female Monkey

The female Monkey can usually second-guess the male Tiger every step of the way, and in the process run him like a railroad to her own benefit. Both the Tiger and the Monkey thrive on new and diverting experiences, and if the Tiger has just enough common sense to take the Monkey's advice on all things, these two could be in for the mutual thrill ride of their lives.

The Tiger's excess energy can be quite productive, with the astute mind of the Monkey to guide it to fruition. These two highly compatible Signs serve to catalyze each other to greater and greater achievements, and make a very dashing couple in the process. It is highly recommended that these two people swallow their occasional fits of pride and remain together.

10. Male Tiger & Female Rooster

The male Tiger's eye will be easily caught by the scintillating extravagance of the female Rooster's outgoing nature. She will serve as a prop to his ego for a while, but eventually she will get on his nerves, as he begins to question her ability to make decisions for the two of them. Since the female Rooster likes to be in charge, this will result in a power struggle for control of the relationship, and this discord at the helm may result in the entire arrangement self-destructing.

Neither of these Signs is the sort of personality who will take the time to laboriously repair what has been broken in the blink of an eye. The Tiger and the Rooster make a pretty couple, but fast love is by necessity of short duration, though it can be intense while it is still present.

11. Male Tiger & Female Dog

The female Dog is all about caution, and will be sure to warn the male Tiger when she thinks he is about to overextend himself or make an irrevocable error. The Tiger, far from being annoyed at these constraints, will be more than happy to accept them as the price he pays for the Dog's stringent loyalty, to support him in times of discord.

She will generally direct from the shadows, allowing the extrovert Tiger to take more than his share of their joint credit, but things like this are immaterial to the Dog -- she has bigger fish to fry. As long as the Tiger doesn't forget their anniversary one too many times, and remembers to show the Dog a little love and affection at the critical junctures, there is no reason why these two shouldn't stay together to the end.

12. Male Tiger & Female Pig

The Tiger and the Pig are very similar personalities and share a variety of common interests. The female Pig accepts the male Tiger's need to assert his independence every so often, and is assured of his return. The Pig's sunny demeanor will irrevocably charm the male Tiger in return. These two will be playmates and co-conspirators as well as lovers to each other.

Such a perfect match cannot fail but to extend itself for the duration. If anything can induce the Tiger to settle down a bit, it will the female Pig's ability to provide him with a home environment that is so nice that it actually competes favorably with his chosen distractions. Wedding bells will ring out sooner rather than later for these two kindred spirits.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Ox (for Female)

OX (For Female)

For those born in the following years :

1949, 1961, 1973, 1985 and 1997


The female Ox may exhibit the following typical traits: you are quite outspoken and concomitantly lacking in tact and good manners, which results in fewer party invitations, but no fear -- this does not bother you as you are essentially a very private person who enjoys the comforts of the fine home atmosphere that you have arranged for yourself.

You have worked hard to provide yourself with the best, so who can blame you for wanting to keep everything close at hand for yourself and for the family that you value so much? You have a strong sense of justice -- favors will be repaid promptly and in kind, and offenses will be revisited upon your enemies tenfold, no matter how long it takes, as you have a good head for remembered insults.

In Relationships

Ox people dislike idle chatter. They don't have fun at parties and don't have a ton of friends. They are not very sociable and would rather be spending their time at home with their families. When the Ox is in love, they don't confirm their feelings verbally. They prefer to show how they feel rather than tell the object of their desire flat out of their romantic intentions.

An Ox will take a long time to decide who precisely is the right match for them because Ox people hate change and want to find someone who is ready to embark upon a stable marriage. Ox people never rush into anything and are not flirtatious in general. Once they have committed to one person, they will usually be faithful and expect reciprocation of their honorable attitudes and behavior.

Likes and Dislikes

Ox people prefer stability -- they are traditionalists and homemakers by habit. Rarely would one expect an Ox person to be an extroverted hedonist. They are happiest in the peace and quiet of their own home environment. Ox people are fond of the color violet, and their corresponding gemstones are jade, emerald, and agate. They like kitchen accessories, gardening and planting books, cookbooks, and especially bonsai trees.

In their spare time they enjoy a personal fitness regimen, cooking, gardening, and sewing. Ox people dislike idle gossip and useless chitchat. They are also not fond of what they deem to be unnecessary social niceties and games people play -- Ox people like to get straight to the point whenever possible. They really don't appreciate being made fools of in public.

Compatibility with guys of different signs

1. Female Snake & Male Rat

The male Rat and the female Ox can easily appreciate each other's preference for privacy. The Ox tends to be the organizer of the day-to-day existence of the couple, while the Rat will be responsible for the far horizons and long-term plans. They keep each other in ship-shape condition with sensible advice.

A great deal of mutual respect can build between the male Rat and the female Ox, as both can be serious and hardworking individuals when the chips are down. The Rat can be a bit more outgoing, which will irk the Ox partner and make her jealous from time to time, but in the end these little spats will only serve to liven and thereby cement what promises to be a beautiful union. These two play for keeps.

2. Female Ox & Male Ox

A couple composed of this understanding Sign is assured of durability, due to the patient nature of both partners. Ox persons are calm and efficient, with a strong sense of right and wrong, as well as a work ethic that would put an ant to shame. Any rocky patches will be smoothed over in the light of calm reason.

Neither will erupt in the sort of emotional pyrotechnics common to more stormy couples, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a great deal of true love present in this match. Far from it -- these twin Oxen are simply of a more mature streak, which acknowledges and reciprocates affection without making a big production out of it all. Bet the house and kids on this duo, for they will last a very long time together.

3. Female Ox & Male Tiger

The male Tiger is a big kitten at heart -- all antics and play. But the female Ox may very well refuse to be his ball of string. She'll spend a long period of time quietly waiting for him to grow up and out of it, and when she finally realizes that it's just in the way he's made, she may be too tired to change routines.

Exhaustion will determine the course of this relationship -- when both parties run out of fuel, it's over. In her case the fuel is patience; in his case it's rampant hedonism. One will tame the other, but when the battle is won, the victor may question what he or she has gained in such a victory. The remaining spoils may prove not to have been worth the bloodshed, or sufficient to keep this couple together after all.

4. Female Ox & Male Rabbit

These two Signs are made for each other, as both are decidedly the marrying kind and will gleefully escort each other straight to the nearest altar. The male Rabbit is very much a creature of routine, and the solid and dependable female Ox will confirm him in his view of a regular reality. She will be more than happy to handle the household accounts, and in all respects keep their conjoined lives running like a Swiss watch.

True, the two may end up in a bit of a rut, especially in bed after hours, but neither Sign is exactly what one might call a creature of novelty, and these two see reassurance where others might discern the ugly specter of monotony. The two can rely on each other, and that alone trumps any number of fancy declarations of intent for them.

5. Female Ox & Male Dragon

These two will not see eye-to-eye on anything, and the resultant relationship will prove to be short-lived. The male Dragon requires a dash of pizzazz and zest in his partner in order not to feel contempt for their lack of spirit, and it is precisely these qualities that the female Ox lacks. The Ox is dependable, resourceful and quiet -- all of which damn her in his eyes as unsuitable for partnership.

In her turn, the Ox feels threatened by the Dragon's uncontrollable entrances and exits from the scene, and will long for a partner she can predict, and perhaps control to a greater extent. Their sex life will languish in tandem with their mismatched emotional record together. The wonder is that these two disparate Signs ever made any sort of connection in the first place. Their tenure together will be brief.

6. Female Ox & Male Snake

The male Snake should take great care not to presume too much upon his partner the female Ox's patience. Should he be too venturesome outside the boundaries of what the Ox considers their inviolable association, she will feel hurt and cheated and taken advantage of, with the result that she will put her foot down with finality upon the shattered husk of their mutual romance.

After this occurs, not all the wiles of the Snake's clever tongue can conjure a way back into her good graces. The female Ox values her companion's probing wit and vast knowledge of odd facts, and her practical streak will appreciate his assistance in her many projects. As long as he behaves, these two should be able to last a good long time together.

7. Female Ox & Male Horse

The male Horse will be a bundle of untamed passion and desire, and keep the female Ox's emotional hands full, to coin a phrase. The female Ox needs a more peaceful climate, and will not pt up for long with chasing after her dilettante would-be partner. She'll have a few thrills in the beginning, but these two Signs will disagree vehemently on when is the proper time to go home after the party's over.

These disagreements are bound to become audible sooner or later. Finally, the male Horse will grow bored with the entire situation and leave in search of a more entertaining atmosphere, leaving the female Ox to clean up the mess he's left behind. Recriminations may persist long after these two have called it quits.

8. Female Ox & Male Goat

The male Goat is a timid soul who can only benefit from the big, bustling personality of the female Ox, full of life and twice as large. She will excel at taking care of the daily routine, which the Goat loathes. His mind will then be free to wander, and as long as he can remember to give credit where credit is due for his astonishing degree of intellectual freedom, he is home free.

The male Goat is smart enough to appreciate how good he has it with the female Ox, and she in turn will thrive beneath the grateful attentions he will lavish upon her in return. Neither should feel too threatened at the loss of a freedom that translates out to loneliness for them. These two should settle down to make a happy home for themselves posthaste.

9. Female Ox & Male Monkey

The mischievous male Monkey will take great glee in teasing the serious female Ox, but he will do it gently and with love, not malice aforethought. The female Ox will be fascinated by the male Monkey's scintillating personality. In the long run, though, the Monkey's activity will leave the Ox yearning in the dust, since he will not continue to appreciate the safe haven she has to offer.

These two Signs are unlikely to settle down together, as they just don't have that much in common with each other. There may be some misunderstandings, and the male Monkey will not be willing to stick around long enough to sort out any differences. It may be educational for both parties while it lasts, however, so both should take notes for future reference.

10. Female Ox & Male Rooster

The two Signs are highly compatible with one another. The sociable and gregarious male Rooster will provide a nice counterpoint to the female Ox's sober, steady nature, while the Ox in return will allow the Rooster to show off all he wants at center stage. These two both care a great deal about material possessions and financial security, and will combine tactics and pool knowledge in order to cooperate in achieving prosperity as a unit.

The happy home built upon the foundation of these proceeds will serve as the beginning of a harmonious family life for the male Rooster and the female Ox. Their union will be blessed with many children, since they have the wherewithal for such a luxury. This combination is highly recommended for both parties.

11. Female Ox & Male Dog

These two Signs see everything in their relationship as a question of trust -- specifically who can trust whom with what. The male Dog needs to keep the lines of communication open to his partner, and not withdraw into a sulk when some small thing isn't exactly the way he wants it. The female Ox in turn can reassure him when his fears are triggered by any unnerving circumstances in the outside world.

They will grow together into a mutually supportive tower of strength, cemented with an abiding regard for each other's reliability. This pair is going to stay the course, and since both Signs involved are very keen on starting a family together, a wedding may be just around the bend for their friends and family to attend.

12. Female Ox & Male Pig

The male Pig is a social butterfly, as odd as that image may seem, and enjoys stepping out once in a while. But everyone that steps out must inevitably step back in, and that's where the female Ox applies her skills. She will craft a home environment that will make even the most hedonistic of Pigs want to stay home as often as possible, and his happiness will be her happiness.

In return she will be willing to shine on his arm for special occasions. She will also rein in his tendencies to scatter money like raindrops at the slightest prompting, and may rid him of several unwanted friends in the process. These two Signs will come to grow fond of their little differences, and will grow old together in complacent joy.