TIGER (For Male)For those born in the following years :
1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, and 1998
PersonalityThe Tiger male is essentially peaceful until aroused by continued mistreatment. You are very strong-willed, with a concomitant absolute belief in your own eventual success -- you ooze self-assurance from every pore. This may come in handy, as your sense of personal ambition is strong indeed and you will not rest until you've achieved fame and fortune, power and recognition from others.
You are quick to take the lead, due primarily to your willingness to risk all on a throw of the dice. Unless you yourself are in a position of authority, you are an outspoken critic of those in positions of authority. You are a champion of the oppressed, a supporter of the weak, and, somewhat paradoxically some might say, an accomplished and passionate lover.
In RelationshipsTigers are incredibly sexy people, beautiful to most people and sensually romantic. They are spontaneous lovers who never lose their creative spark or flare for an evening of passion. They offer their partner a hint of danger and exhibit a curiosity for the unknown. Due to these obvious romantic virtues, Tigers are never in want of company on a weekend night.
The trouble arises when Tigers feel the need to settle down. They will have a hard time convincing their former acquaintances of the sincerity of their intentions and actions with regard to eventual marriage! But it is important to remember that no one can remain a player forever in the social scene, and Tigers are no exception to this general rule.
Likes and DislikesTiger people are balls of energy and really enjoy being out about engaged in any sort of recreational physical activity. The favorite color of Tigers is green, and their corresponding gemstones are ruby and topaz. They like cookbooks, travel guides, sporting equipment, mystery novels and the odd game of football. They also enjoy parties, amateur dramatics, and vacations in exotic locales.
Some of the things that Tiger people could do without are, first and foremost, not getting enough recognition for their efforts on the behalf of others -- they hate being passed over, especially for others who they may consider to be inferior! They also don't like being made to feel inferior to others, and they especially dislike rude people. They will go to great pains to avoid those they consider impolite!
Compatibility with gals of different signs1. Male Tiger & Female RatThe male Tiger may lap into the life of the female Rat and bowl her off her feet with an exciting weekend, but that may be all she can take -- or all that he is willing to provide until his restless feet lead him elsewhere. The Rat can be very keen on new experiences, but the Tiger's zest for novelty will far outstrip anything she may have been expecting.
In the end, the Rat may become annoyed with the Tiger's lack of attention to detail and cavalier attitude towards material prosperity, which are subjects dear to her heart. The Tiger may in his turn grow bored with a relationship that demands too much of his limited attention span. This combination of personalities may prove to be more trouble than it is worth -- which is why neither will take much trouble maintaining it.
2. Male Tiger & Female OxThe male Tiger is a big kitten at heart -- all antics and play. But the female Ox may very well refuse to be his ball of string. She'll spend a long period of time quietly waiting for him to grow up and out of it, and when she finally realizes that it's just in the way he's made, she may be too tired to change routines.
Exhaustion will determine the course of this relationship -- when both parties run out of fuel, it's over. In her case the fuel is patience; in his case it's rampant hedonism. One will tame the other, but when the battle is won, the victor may question what he or she has gained in such a victory. The remaining spoils may prove not to have been worth the bloodshed, or sufficient to keep this couple together after all.
3. Male Tiger & Female TigerThe male Ox needs to watch out for the female Tiger's more disruptive antics every step of the way in order to keep this relationship a viable concern. The Tiger injects a stimulating sense of surprise into the staid male Ox's orderly and calm life, and for that he is thankful, but too many surprises will come to be viewed as a disruption of the routine, and that the Ox cannot stand.
The Tiger may find herself a bit bored by her stuffy companion, and take to other methods of keeping her heart occupied -- other partners, too. If this occurs the two will be better off calling it quits. But if the male Ox's patience is up to the task, a bit of flirtatious fun on the part of his woman will not place undue strain on the relationship.
4. Male Tiger & Female RabbitThe male Tiger and the female Rabbit share a sense of adventure, but the Tiger is willing to go several shades beyond where the Rabbit would prefer to stop and acquire a sense of perspective. Both of these Signs would benefit from a steady love partner, but neither will prove to be what the other desperately needs. Without a personal anchor, the Tiger is lost.
The question will be whether the Rabbit is able to provide him with a home life enticing enough to counterbalance the joys of roaming about. If she can do this, the Tiger will not mind the constraints on his freedom, and instead will devote his not inconsiderable charms towards the perpetuation of a happy home life, which is the cornerstone of success for this ambivalent couple.
5. Male Tiger & Female DragonThis is a highly combustible pairing, as both the male Tiger and the female Dragon are creatures filled to bursting with raw energy. Balance is required at all times between their enthusiasms and their projects, for if one comes to dominate too obviously or for too long, the other will exercise its walking veto. The question is not whether to stretch and explore, but what, where, when and how to do so.
Disagreements as to method can be smoothed over by the fact that both parties will be too busy having a good time to remember any stumbling blocks along the path to shared joy. These two will have a lot to laugh about, and as long as neither becomes too moody or possessive, they should have a great deal time in which to laugh as well.
6. Male Tiger & Female SnakeThe male Tiger is keen on fighting for what he believes, and as soon as possible. The female Snake, on the other hand, requires a great deal of time to decide precisely what she does believe in, and then even more to decide what to do about her beliefs -- she is prone to discard them as they become inconvenient. The Tiger's inconvenience may also result in his swift obsolescence in the Snake's eyes.
The Snake has no time to rein in the impetuous Tiger, and will sooner break off what appears to be an unpromising engagement. The Tiger will not be the sort to change his stripes, either. In the end this proposed match should remain theoretical -- which is best for both of the parties concerned, as it would never have worked out.
7. Male Tiger & Female HorseThe male Tiger and the female Horse are equally interested in new experiences and diverting antics. They will tumble over each other in their excitement at sampling everything the world has to offer, urging each other on to new feats of novelty. This may make for grand fun, but is it enough to establish a relationship of the heart?
That depends upon the hearts involved, and neither the Tiger nor the Horse is very sentimental. If it isn't broke, don't fix it, true, but if either of these characters is looking for something a bit more fulfilling in their personal life, they'll break the fun deal and seek elsewhere for their heart's desire. It may be a question of maturity versus a question of commitment for both of these unrepentant hedonists.
8. Male Tiger & Female GoatThe male Tiger requires the freedom of his emotions in order to enjoy life, while the female Goat also requires her own brand of freedom -- the freedom of the intellect. But she also needs a firm place to stand and confront the world on her own terms, and the Tiger is not going to provide the stability she needs.
The Tiger doesn't know how to fend off the regimented forces of life, and wouldn't if he could -- he's all about grabbing a bit of diversion while he can still enjoy it. The female Goat would be better off terminating this sorry attempt at a relationship and looking elsewhere for her security, which is why she so frequently does exactly that. The Tiger will be content with the enjoyment he had while it lasted.
9. Male Tiger & Female MonkeyThe female Monkey can usually second-guess the male Tiger every step of the way, and in the process run him like a railroad to her own benefit. Both the Tiger and the Monkey thrive on new and diverting experiences, and if the Tiger has just enough common sense to take the Monkey's advice on all things, these two could be in for the mutual thrill ride of their lives.
The Tiger's excess energy can be quite productive, with the astute mind of the Monkey to guide it to fruition. These two highly compatible Signs serve to catalyze each other to greater and greater achievements, and make a very dashing couple in the process. It is highly recommended that these two people swallow their occasional fits of pride and remain together.
10. Male Tiger & Female RoosterThe male Tiger's eye will be easily caught by the scintillating extravagance of the female Rooster's outgoing nature. She will serve as a prop to his ego for a while, but eventually she will get on his nerves, as he begins to question her ability to make decisions for the two of them. Since the female Rooster likes to be in charge, this will result in a power struggle for control of the relationship, and this discord at the helm may result in the entire arrangement self-destructing.
Neither of these Signs is the sort of personality who will take the time to laboriously repair what has been broken in the blink of an eye. The Tiger and the Rooster make a pretty couple, but fast love is by necessity of short duration, though it can be intense while it is still present.
11. Male Tiger & Female DogThe female Dog is all about caution, and will be sure to warn the male Tiger when she thinks he is about to overextend himself or make an irrevocable error. The Tiger, far from being annoyed at these constraints, will be more than happy to accept them as the price he pays for the Dog's stringent loyalty, to support him in times of discord.
She will generally direct from the shadows, allowing the extrovert Tiger to take more than his share of their joint credit, but things like this are immaterial to the Dog -- she has bigger fish to fry. As long as the Tiger doesn't forget their anniversary one too many times, and remembers to show the Dog a little love and affection at the critical junctures, there is no reason why these two shouldn't stay together to the end.
12. Male Tiger & Female PigThe Tiger and the Pig are very similar personalities and share a variety of common interests. The female Pig accepts the male Tiger's need to assert his independence every so often, and is assured of his return. The Pig's sunny demeanor will irrevocably charm the male Tiger in return. These two will be playmates and co-conspirators as well as lovers to each other.
Such a perfect match cannot fail but to extend itself for the duration. If anything can induce the Tiger to settle down a bit, it will the female Pig's ability to provide him with a home environment that is so nice that it actually competes favorably with his chosen distractions. Wedding bells will ring out sooner rather than later for these two kindred spirits.