(For Male)For those born in the following years :
1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 and 2003
PersonalityThe male Goat is a complete and utter family man, and you are a fun parent, if a bit on the irresponsible side -- your spouse will feel as though they had an extra son at times. You are highly sensitive and have a well-developed sense of aesthetics. You can be very fretful and indecisive, as you are at heart a very kind and gentle soul and are worried whenever placed in positions that burden you with undue authority.
You have a very good memory for facts, figures and dates. You may find yourself stymied by the simplest of obstacles unless you build up a reserve supply of gumption. Your reflective and gentle nature leads many people to underestimate you, much to their eventual chagrin once the race is run.
In RelationshipsPeople born under the Sign of the Goat have a morbid fear of being left alone, whether for the night or for the rest of their lives. They are very family oriented people, and would love nothing better than a suitable and stable partner with which to settle down and raise a litter of children. If their current romantic interest does not like children or big families, then they just won't be right for the Goat.
Goats will give themselves entirely to the right person and will do everything they can to maintain a stable, loving, happy relationship. This doesn't, however, mean that they will allow themselves to be walked all over or taken advantage of. If their partner cheats on them, or otherwise doesn't play according to the rules, then hell hath no fury like a Goat scorned!
Likes and DislikesGoats are cultured people who prefer the sort of entertainments not patronized by those of the common crowd. The favorite colors of the Goat person are pink and purple, and their corresponding gemstones are moonstone, sapphire and jade. Goats like bathrobes, broaches, peppermint oil, seashells, being massaged and opera tickets. They are consummate sybarites and enjoy pampering themselves and their bodies.
They prefer to spend their leisure time reading, eating, drinking fine wines, swimming and watching movies. Goats dislike the feeling of being separated from all of their friends and loved ones -- they like to have the support of those close to them in their endeavors. They also dislike conflict of any sort, and are very good at dodging it completely whenever it may surface in their lives.
Compatibility with gals of different signs1. Male Goat & Female RatThe male Goat likes a spot of calm in which to pause and reflect, and he can often remain there for far longer than is necessary. The female Rat is there to yank him back to good old terra firma against his will. The Goat is wise enough to know that he needs this sort of hands-on treatment every now and then, and will not mind being prodded into action by his prosaic counterpart.
The female Rat in turn will be pleasantly surprised by the astonishing new perspectives the Goat can provide when he lets his mind wander, and these will in turn please her pragmatic soul no end. She will therefore withhold the rough side of her tongue, unless of course she's having a bad day. These two are circumspect enough to sweat out each other's bad patches. The prognosis for this couple is not good, but they may be tempted to give it a try anyway.
2. Male Goat & Female OxThe male Goat is a timid soul who can only benefit from the big, bustling personality of the female Ox, full of life and twice as large. She will excel at taking care of the daily routine, which the Goat loathes. His mind will then be free to wander, and as long as he can remember to give credit where credit is due for his astonishing degree of intellectual freedom, he is home free.
The male Goat is smart enough to appreciate how good he has it with the female Ox, and she in turn will thrive beneath the grateful attentions he will lavish upon her in return. Neither should feel too threatened at the loss of a freedom that translates out to loneliness for them. These two should settle down to make a happy home for themselves posthaste.
3. Male Goat & Female TigerThe male Goat places a premium on his orderly and comfortable environment. The female Tiger is far from tame, and will blow through his safe and sane existence like a tornado. This match may be good for the short term, but the long term will never work out.
She will be bored with him, and he, after his initial fascination wears off, will be exasperated at her habitual verve. A mutual dismissal of each other as childish is in the offing. These two can never learn to appreciate even the very little they have to offer each other, and it would be better for them if they had never met. Someday they will look back upon their abortive attempts at romance and laugh themselves silly at their youthful foray into folly.
4. Male Goat & Female RabbitThis may turn out to be the best of all possible matches as both of these Signs have good taste and a love of luxuries in common. The male Goat's imaginative nature appeals to the female Rabbit's romantic side. The Rabbit, in return, provides a safe home environment that the Goat will thrive in, by having freedom to roam his intellectual corridors at will.
Sexually these two will have many new positions to teach each other, and will never grow bored in the bedroom. In difficult times, however, neither will be able to look to the other for courage and mutual romantic support, as both are anxious creatures. This will prove to be only a slight drawback in the great scheme of things, however, and the general prognosis for these two looks good.
5. Male Goat & Female DragonA lack of mutual understanding can blight the chances of connection between these two Signs, unless they both learn to accept and appreciate their differences. Alliances based upon friendship and trust will be more successful than more personal ones, as female Dragons can help the shy male Goat realize the potential of his dynamic creativity.
In the realm of sexual matters, the female Dragon can't help but be turned off by the male Goat's sweetness -- she's looking for someone with a little more of the barbarian in his make-up. Stable Goat will be upset by the Dragon's effect on his immediate surroundings, and will long for peace and quiet. These two Signs will not stay together for very long.
6. Male Goat & Female SnakeBoth the male Goat and the female Snake love art, beauty and harmony. As long as life remains uncomplicated, these two will rarely have arguments, as it is too much trouble. Otherwise, the male Goat may find the female Snake too be too serious, while she weighs him in the balance and finds him lacking in gumption in return.
Whether this mutual irksomeness blooms into a full-fledged quarrel that can scuttle the relationship before it has even had a chance to weigh anchor and leave the harbor remains to be seen. It is a truism that couples get out of an affair what they put into it, and if these two put forth just a little effort, they can make it work. Otherwise it's splitsville for the happy pair.
7. Male Goat & Female HorseThe male Goat and the female Horse compliment each other by being that which the other lacks. The male Goat will feel secure with the female Horse, but the relationship will still manage to stay interesting enough to please the ever-dynamic Horse, as both of these Sins are unstable and irresponsible people who can't abide a regular routine.
The male Goat wanders in his mind, while the female Horse prefers her wanderings be executed in a more physical sense. As long as these two Signs can see that they are engaged in what are essentially the same pursuits via two different methods, they can use this similarity of temperament to cement what can prove to be a very long-lasting relationship.
8. Male Goat & Female GoatThese two individuals have a natural empathy with each other that allows them to communicate soul to soul, as it were. The male Goat and the female Goat understand each other's occasional need for a bit of private dream-time, and neither will be offended if the other wishes to retire. The cerebral dimension is greatly appreciated by these two patient members of the same Sign.
Unfortunately, someone is going to have to be responsible for the practical side of life, and neither person is going to come forward and volunteer, so some sort of rotating schedule will have to be ironed out between them. If the required responsibilities can be successfully allocated without too much friction, it should be smooth sailing from that point on.
9. Male Goat & Female MonkeyThe female Monkey is sharp as a tack and uses her brainpower to more fully enjoy life, a quest to which the male Goat as partner is most suitably adapted. The two will serve to tempt each other to new experiences and pleasures, primarily related to travel opportunities.
The Monkey will easily determine the Goat's likes and dislikes and will play upon these to get her own way most of the time, but the Goat will feel more secure because of all the attention paid to him and won't really mind this hands-on approach to the relationship on her part. He may feel some uneasiness at her desires for independent downtime every now and then, but if the two are comfortable together it is doubtful that either would ever feel the need to disrupt their shared bliss.
10. Male Goat & Female RoosterThe male Goat can derive a great deal of satisfaction from waltzing about the room in the female Rooster's shared spotlight, but in the end he will desire a greater comfort quotient than she is prepared to allow him. She is also highly unlikely to allow him equal billing past a certain point in this relationship -- the old bait and switch routine.
The male Goat needs time and space to dream his dreams and put them into action, and the female Rooster will want to be on the go constantly, which will prove divisive. This basic conflict between the mental Goat and the physical Rooster is the unfortunate flaw at the heart of the gem. It is unlikely that these two will see this combination through to any sort of successful conclusion.
11. Male Goat & Female DogBoth of these Signs will have a craving for new and exciting shared experiences, but the cautious nature of the female Dog will lead her to back off long before the male Goat is tired of dreaming up new schemes to implement. He can be carried away sometimes by his own extravagance, which is why she is important to his life -- the Dog helps to keep the Goat's feet in touch with the ground.
Synchronized depression can be a hazard for these two moody types, as if this occurs there will be no one to raise both of their spirits, and the resultant tandem sulk could have unpleasant divisive effects on an already tenuous situation. An effort to look on the sunny side of life could be just what the situation demands -- otherwise this couple could be a wash.
12. Male Goat & Female PigThe male Goat and the female Pig will be more than happy to give each other the space to pursue their own interests, without being so distant that the relationship self-destructs in the starting gate. Both of these aesthetically gifted individuals appreciate the finer things in life and the arts and will find much to praise in each other's company.
The female Pig is a fount of advice that may help to bring the male Goat back to reality once in a while, while he, in turn, can give her a broader perspective and keep their shared life interesting. The Goat's occasional fits of temper, whether justified or not, can be calmed by the cheerful and pragmatic Pig, and she can always provoke a smile. This duo can be very healthy for each other, which explains its durability in the face of time.